Peril turns into revealed secrets.

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Author's Note: Story is developing and I might try to create cliff hangers but I'm not really that good at them.

Luna POV

"URGH!" I yelled as I slammed my bedroom door. I sat on my bed, summoned my guitar and started playing hoping it would calm me down. I heard my window open then next thing I know I'm on the floor with a crushing weight on top of me. "Sorry Luna." A very familiar and very annoying voice said still crushing me. My face was heating up, hopefully it was just because of anger. "GET OFF NOW!" I barked, the weight lifted off me and I got up to see Lupus looking at the floor awkwardly. "I'm not angry at you it's just it's getting harder to hide my secret with this new kid who's alergic to dogs." I say trying my best to stay calm. "Well this is going to be a problemo." Lupus said still looking at the floor. "I only have gym with her and I think I'll be able to keep away from her." I said flopping back on to my bed. My phone beeped.

Midnight: Don't forget we are meeting on the railway to hang.

Midnight: PS you planned it not me.

Luna: Yeah I know I'll be right over.

"Lupus, stay I'm going to see Midnight at the railway if you must know." I started climbing out the window. "Bye stalker." I said giving him a backhand wave and ran to the railway.

Midnight was waiting for me on the railway. "Hey, you're going to be run over by a train." I called to Midnight, she waved me over and we started walking along the line holding hands. "Like a train would hit me a train will try and run me over when one of my secrets get out." Midnight said with a slight hint of a smile. We talked for a while as we lied down on the tracks, we started to drift off to sleep and we did.

We woke to the sound of a whistle. A whistle? I sat bolt right up and noticed a train was coming! Midnight was awake but she was somehow stuck and so was I. We couldn't get loose the train was about to reach us any second, I decided to use my powers. I let loose a star burst just as I did Midnight let loose some darkness?! We were sent hurteling in different directions. The train passed, my head was spinning and I looked over at Midnight into pitch black eyes turning back into my eye colour. WHAT?!

Author's Note: Hope it's a good cliff hanger. Planning the next chapter.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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