I didn't want you to be my saviour but you cared to much to not.

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Author's note: Sorry if these chapters are a bit short I'm having a bit of writers block. There will be ten main characters you have officially know three and a half. In this chapter It'll become four and a half.

Midnight POV

Luna wasn't at school and everyone found it was a chance to gang up on me and make me wan't to kill myself and I mean they REALLY made me want to kill myself.

I tied a loop in the rope that I wrapped around a tree branch.

I stole a chair but it was the last thing I was going to steal ,the last wrong I ever did, and the last emotion I was going to feel was sadness and regret. tears were streaming down my cheeks, all I wanted to do was to make all the pain and sorrow to stop. I am evil and the symbol of wickedness and I wanted that evil and wickedness to be vanquished I wanted to end my meaningless, pointless life. I just want the pain to stop. I know Luna would be sad if she knew, she would yell at me to stop. She means good but I'm no good for her.

I stand on the broken down chair and put my head through the loop my animal instincts are telling me to stop, actually every fiber in my body was telling me to stop but I wouldn't listen. Now I just stood there waiting for the chair to break. It creaked and splintered. I said my last words. "Everyone forgive, God forgive my sins." The chair broke. I felt the constricting pain of the rope around my neck, then it stopped.

I fell to the ground landing on the freshly fallen leaves. I didn't get it. Was I dead. "You know you could have killed yourself." A voice said. I sat up and looked at the end of my noose. It was cut. I looked up into the tree I tried to hang myself from, there was a boy with just about shoulder length black hair, a grey beanie, a black jumper, black trousers, jet blue eyes and black ears and tail. Wait, rewind black ears and tail, he did to have black wolf ears and tail and an amulet just like mine. "WHO ARE YOU, WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?" I barked at him. He smiled at me and said. "I'm Darkus and you seemed like someone worth saving." I slightly turned red, now I was annoyed. "I wanted to die." I shouted only sounding half sure myself. "You sure, because to me it's sad that so many people die by accident and some people try to purposely add to those numbers." The comment made me flinch, it made sense. He threw something shiney and silver at me before he dropped to the ground, I caught the object it was a silver cross. I dropped it on reflex afraid it would hurt me. "Hey it's a gift and before you say why it's to let you now God's on your side." Drarkus picked the cross up and handed it to me, I reluctently took it and put it around my neck. It didn't hurt me. I wanted to try something but I was afraid. "I'm gonna try something and I promise it won't hurt you." He nodded. I let my eyes go completely black and looked straight in Darkus' direction. "So you can make me see nothing but darkness." I let my eyes return to yellow and saw Darkus wasn't afraid. "You aren't afraid?" He smiled at me. "You promised you wouldn't hurt me and I trust you." I was amazed he wasn't scared at all, totally calm. I looked at the sky it was getting dark. "Good bye Darkus." I turned to walk home. "Hey lets meet again on better terms next time and I'm glad I'm not the only one of my kind." I gave a quick wave and walked back to my so called home while smiling a true smile.

When I got home I took the noose off and lied down on my mattress to sleep and thought. Darkus I may not have wanted you to save me but now I think I understand why.

Author's Note: Well what a heart felt chapter and now you've met Darkus who seems to trust Midnight and saved her from herself. I have a slight plan for my next chapter but it may seem very different.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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