Chapter 7 - Katherine Pierce

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The shouts were getting louder and louder. It was...that woman Rose and her friend Trevor, the one who saved me. They were bickering, but slowly their argument had begun to get extremely heated. 

I felt SO hungry! 

I would be a fool to deny my hunger now. I was just:

Too hungry.

I had not felt this hungry since...since the time of my pregnancy.

But this hunger ran through every part of my body. Not from my womb. This strange,new hunger for blood. Mentally, my mind was shocked at that thought. I was hungry. Not for food, but blood. Like Niklaus. 

Just like Niklaus. Like a monster.

I wanted to cry and cry endlessly, as the shouting in the other room had continued to erupt like a shrieking volcano.

"I saw you! You were going near the mansion..the mansion those BLOODY MONSTERS LIVE IN" Trevor accused, well more like, stated to Rose.

Rose said nothing.

"You were really gonna give her up" Trevor said like a child who's pet sheep had died. I guess it was all my fault, but Rose was going to send me to the hands of a devil. I could never forgive her for that. I hardly even knew her!

The silence lasted for what felt like one whole lifetime, but Rose made it feel like less than a second.

I could feel/hear clearly the impact of her banging her fist on a wooden object when she said, "You brought Klaus's most desired possession into our home...she...that naive little girl" Rose said spitefully as if she could see my figure through the door i was trapped in, she gulped before saying, "She could be our only escape from Niklaus's poisonous clutches" and i wanted to feel sorry, a part of me somewhere deep down did truly want to feel sorry for her. But tonight it just didn't. Tonight i was something else.

My hunger had mixed with anger. 

Oh God, the power in my veins was tangible. I wanted more. I wanted blood. I needed my revenge on THEM ALL!

Every single vampire that had entered my life. Especially Elijah. His betrayal was forever stuck in my mind. It replayed every time i thought of him and the love i had felt for him just hours ago.

The unstop-ability ate me up and i charged through the pathetic wooden door. As i charged, i knew with my entire being this escape attempt would be anything but a failure. Freedom was mine for the taking.

Gosh, i felt good, more than ever thought i could ever be after tonight's events and my now bouncing emotions. 

I was truly something else.

My shoulder busted through the wooden door, which flew off its handles and landed horizontally on the relatively small wooden table that stood in between Trevor  and Rose. Their expressions alight with confusion.

Rose looked furious. My eyes just continued to strike at her with invisible knives. I could almost feel the red searing hunger enveloping the white space in my eye balls. I was HUNGRY!

"Some stupid vampire must've given her blood..." Rose said with resentment as she stared aggressively at the sad-looking Trevor.

Trevor just stared into my prison to see the damp rope i had used to kill myself with. His eyes looking emotionally sick. He was about to say something to me, but my hunger was exploding, this wooden cottage held nothing for me.

I ran out the front door, faster than i had ever moved in my entire life! Running in the dark, i realized i could see more than just the rocks on the Moon. I could see in the dark like it was sunniest moment in time. I felt as if i could see everything! I loved it. I honestly loved this new me. This new part of me. Katherine Pierce.

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