Chapter 14 - Time Out

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"And that's why i need you're help, sister" i told Rebekah with a smile on my face.

As charming as i could be.

She looked at me for a moment and then strangely tweaked her neck around. She just seemed confused. 

Her blond hair twisted round her neck to the back of the strings that tied her dress and corset.

"You lost you're child!" she screeched at me with disappointment, "And i thought Niklaus Mikaelson was a smart man..." i guess she was enjoying at my predicament. God, she was a pain.

"Help me or don't" i said to her with a sense of finality.

She stopped her irritating rambling and looked at me.

Her hand held out to me.

"Always and forever" she told me. Her smile told me one thing: she was helping me. I grabbed her hand quickly and kissed it lightly. She looked at me with stupidity.

"Always and forever" i repeated to her.

But i knew this would only cause to think of all our family. That meant Elijah. Thing were about to get complicated.

Or would they.

"Elijah's fine. He's gone to the countryside, get some fresh air, the whole doppelganger concept isn't as appealing to him" i described to her my brother as being tired and an exhausted old vampire. She would hopefully believe me as it was not a complete lie. He was tired and old. But the doppelganger was not not appealing to him. Oh boy, she was more than that entirely to my irritating brother.

Rebekah's smile was position sideways on her face. Neither happy or sad.

"Well, history was never a easy topic as it can never be changed" she said to me emotively.

I walked to the mahogany door and turned the bronze handle.

"I guess we better not fuck up the future then, little sister" i nonchalantly told her and with that i fringed the wooden door open letting the giggling and talking come to us with full force. My night was lust and blood was officially over. 

As i casually left the room, Rebekah came up close to me as i held on to the staircase railing and watched the common people dance with drunken delight under the lanterns.

"Wait, wait, wait, Klaus did you leave the Petrova" she emphasised the "Petrova" for some seconds and then she continued, "girl on her bloody on?!?" and her face spoke volumes to me. 

I had fucked up.

I did what i did when i made a mistake. I clenched my teeth.

I may have compelled her, but she was no ordinary Bulgarian woman.

I had truly fucked up.

I had the best eye site in my family, the best eye site in this bloody tavern, but i could not see a single sign of Katerina.

She was the only key to finding my daughter.

And if i found my daughter...

There may be a possibility, my curse may be lifted.

The Petrova bloodline was not over.


I stared into the stranger's deep brown eyes. Oh goodness, how could God make such a beautiful creature but still have the horrible likes of the demon that is Niklaus Mikaelson to exist?

Klaus & Katherine: The Child We Never KnewDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora