Adoption papers, storyline someup

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So buffalo gets into a skating injury because he is skiing with two girls that he had no chance with he's bisexual cause he's also a horny 15-year-old boy
So he gets injured and hast to go to the hospital and Georgia answers the phone and he comes down to the hospital straight away but they won't let him in because he's not related. Now Georgia doesn't. Come up with some elaborate scheme his e to get into the room.
So he waits until the family gets there
Now New York and Georgia head somewhat of a fight earlier that day
So once Albany explains what happen and explains how they wouldn't let him into the hospital room because he's not family
New York decides to ask Georgia if he wants adopt his kids and then he asked Georgia if he can adopt Georgia's kids
Georgia happily says yes they signed the adoption papers with no problems and their one big happy family

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