Short Part, Your favorite YouTuber

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<3 hi my superstars! I;m sick but still wanted to post something short! Also 9.1k reads!!!!! YOU ALL ARE AWESOME, also I highly suggest checking out the Youtubers in this chapter! They are awesome!<3 

G. Freddy: Cheridet. She's super sweet and had adorable merch, and you like watching her play games and react to videos

Roxanne: Denitslava Makeup. You normally didn't like makeup videos but she's funny and her accent is so cool!

Chica: Rosanna pansino, What do I have to say, shes a cook!

Monty: Matpat. I'm sorry but he does scary videos and I get conspricy vibes from him. (Monty, matpat his entire channel is conspricy theorys)

G. Foxy: Markiplier, he is just awesome and a Self-Dubbed king of Fnaf

Sun/Moon: Sun: Brian Hull, he is a disney fan, you also watch Laurenzside, because well, she's awesome. 

Moon: EddieVR-Beig na animatronic made fro kids he wants you to learn spanish, just Eddie cusses in spanish

Burntrap: Mythically cosplay- They cosplay William, need i say more? Also they have a husband *fan squealing* (OMG if they read this I AM SO SORRY I KNOW YOU ARE NONBINARY AND I ALMOST CALLED YOU A HE!!!!!)

<3 THats all my superstars! Happy holidays!<3

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