You get a new furry friend

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<3 For the record, please don't report me, I mean a stuffed animal, not a furry, I'm not into that kind of thing, and is this another chapter where I am self-projecting? Yes. Also, all animatronics are in human form<3

 You and your A/P/O/C needed to go to your nearby Walmart to get some more backup clothes for kids at the daycare in case of paint, glitter glue, or just any clothes mishap because Sun had run out, A/P/O/C had volunteered to go and you tagged along, always wanting to experience new things. You got in, promising to stay close to A/P/O/C when suddenly, you stopped dead in your tracks. Despite it only being mid-January, there were already Valentines' day candy . . .and plushies, out on display. You ignored the bins marked $45 and $50, you were a smart kid (If this is false and you have any embarrassing childhood stories, feel free to put them n the comments, I was a dumb kid too) and knew, even for plushies that large, that was pushing it, but then across the aisle, you saw a row of teddy bears, all about 3 ft tall with red velvet bows. You were drawn to one, in particular, He had big brown eyes and a cute smile, and his fur was a mix of white and light brown. You walked over and grabbed him off the shelf, pulling him close to you and giving him a huge hug, a cute derpy smile on your face. You checked the tag, Only 15 dollars . . . worth a shot, right? You walked over and tugged on your Moms/dad's shirt. They turned and crouched down to be at eye level with you.
"What's going on kiddo?"

"Can I please get him?" You held up the bear and your parent checked the tag and nodded .

"Okay, princess/prince/ little royalty." You (more like your A/P/O/C) paid and walked out, you had a huge smile still on your face.
"What's his name."

"Hmmm . . .Andrew!"

"Well I hope Andrew Is here to protect you when I can't"

<3 Wanted a very cute ending, I got said Teddy Bear from my stepdad and he said the same thing, also I am going to a valentines masquerade ball on February 16th (I don't control the schedule of my school's event planning) I will likey write a chapter about that the day after bc the thing runs from 6-10 pm and I am planning on staying as late as I can, anyway, like I said in the last chapter, I'm kinda low on ideas so feel free to request, Have an awesome day/afternoon/night superstars!<3

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