They see you crying

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<3 Self-projecting? Nooooooo. For the hell of it and for the sake of my sanity cause I'm writing this during my anthropology night class, you unknowingly listened to a song that brought back bad memories. Enjoy! <3

Glamdad:-After lunch he hadn't seen you

-He noticed the lights in your room were off, which was very rare.

-As he approached the door he heard soft sobs

-He quickly went around collecting sweets, water, tissues, a fluffy blanket, a pillow, and plushies (he may have stopped at the daycare)

*knock* "Superstar, can I come in?"

*sniff* "Y-yeah, sure Dad."

-He walked in and saw you curled up in a ball in the darkest corner of your room. He walked over and hugged you, you launched yourself into his arms crying into his shoulder.

-You explained what happened and he stroked your hair/back.

-After you calmed down, he made a pillow fort and you spent the rest of the day binging Winnie-the-pooh movies on Disney+ (they are on Disney Plus, I was watching The Tigger Movie there earlier)

Chica-Was clueless on how to help you

-She tries both mazer-size but you are too distraught to find the way out and you just have a total mental breakdown in the middle of the maze, so she pulls you into her arms and soothes you, then makes pizza and sweets, to drown your sorrows in food 

-You felt better after a while, but because of the emotional strain, you passed out fast

Monty: -He's gonna murder, someone

-You explain he can't just find the singer and murder them, they may be already dead.

-He leaves you in the daycare

(This is S.A.M.S. reference so if you don't watch, skip)

-He leaves you with Lunar for comfort and freaking DARES eclipse to try to go near you.

(end of reference)

-After a bit, you pass out due to Moondrop singing to you

Roxxane:-Narssistic is clueless so she calls Freddy and he takes care of you

Sun and Moon:-They are programmed to care for preschool kids (and they can scream and cry like its breathing, natural)

-Knows exactly how to calm you down and care for you.

<3 I'm falling asleep so I am not writing William, Vanessa, or Gregory right now, have a good day/afternoon/evening/night superstars!!!<3

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