You have a bad encounter with a teacher

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<3 For this one, I hope y'all like to draw, read or write because you kinda need to for this chapter to not be too outlandish if you don't pretend you do and 12.4k reads is awesome!!<3

You were sitting in your math class (or class you hate) and you had already finished the worksheet, long before everyone else, so on top of the worksheet, you had a piece of paper and you were reading something a friend had written for you/writing a new story/ drawing, you felt eyes staring daggers into you but you picked your head up and looked around, you saw no-one looking at you, so you shrugged it off and kept doing your own thing. As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, you gathered up your things, placing them in your bookbag, you reached for the paper you had been working on but before you could, the teacher's hand snatched it up and scanned it, you could feel your cheeks burning.

"What is this Miss/Mister/Mx. Y/n?" You were so screwed

"Uhm . . .Notes?" They shook their head and ripped it into tiny shreds, tossing it in the trash can you felt tears well up in your eyes. 

"This is useless trash you should not be putting your time into while in class, now leave." You ran out and decided you were leaving (even though you still had 5 more hours and 6 more classes that day) You ran out to the front, contacting Monty to come to get you. He thought you were skipping school for the hell of it and you didn't have the heart to correct him. You stayed silent the entire ride and once you got home, you ran to your room, crying into your pillow.

Pick your parents to see what happens

G. Freddy& G.Bonnie; The next day they had you point out the teacher and as kindly as respectfully as an angry animatronic parent could explain that if this event or anything like this happened again, they wouldn't be so nice, your teacher never stopped you from doing your activity after your work again.

Monty: HE WAS PISSED. He stormed to the teacher's room the next day, cracking the tile floors, and held the teacher to the wall by the neck, growling if he ever heard anything like this happening again he wouldn't be so calm.

Anyone else: Threats but that's it.

<3 Yeah I got lazy at the end and this is not FNaF or this book related at all, but I wrote a fan letter to Tom Hiddleson! AKA Lokis actor I will be sending it out later today and waiting for a reply, I will say when I get a reply. Enjoy and pls request stuff <3

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