Your First period (Girls only)

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<3 now normally my chapter(I try) is gender-neutral, but there is NO WAY I can make this gender-neutral without getting into some seriously messy stuff. The reader is 9-14, and I am female so to all my female readers out here . . . I can feel your pain also like in, I think the last chapter, I am using A/P/O/C because I am tired of school and had NO MODAVATION Also 10.7K READS!!!!! YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!!!<3

You woke up at your normal time and were (attempting to in a timely fashion) get ready for school but you felt a very sharp pain in your lower stomach, you got up from the couch In your moms/dad's green room  and saw a blood stain there, you ran to the restroom and saw your panties were soaked in blood  'MOMMA!/DADDY!"   Your A/P/O/C of choice ran in and knelt down next to you. "What's wrong my princess?" Through tears and panic, you explain and they laugh good-naturally. "Oh my dear, don't be worried, this is natural for women.' THey got you a new pair of panties, a pad/tampon, and young to the day off school which was spent curled up around a heating pad, downing painkillers, and wanting to curl up in a ball and die.

<3 sorry, this one isn't too long. I'm also out of ideas so pls leave some in the comments, rememebrmy rules and I do have school so I will try and get it out asap!<3

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