𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 17-"𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 "

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After the small date who Musa had with her new boyfriend Riven she walked back at her suite with bright smile on her face Beatrix was on the couch scrolling through her instagram when her eyes noticed her happy roommate mind fairy "I guess you are in very very good mood" Musa looked at her roommate and shaked her head with small smile on her face "I guess you are right " Musa chuckled Beatrix smirked at her friend she got up from the couch and walked to Musa "Tonight we are going to a party without any no the others are busy to study or some shit like that I want some fun and plus Stella is busy with some princess stuffs " Beatrix said rolling her eyes she really didn't want to go alone and plus they would get more close with each other.

Musa looked at Beatrix she wasn't sure at all because she preferred stay at the suite listening to music or maybe to go on small date with Riven but to spend time with Beatrix wasn't that bad idea "Well fine I mean we will know each other more better and yeah " Musa said with big smile on her face Beatrix got a lot excited she only gave a her a smile with smirk and walked away the fairy still had a soft smile and walked at her room to rest a bit before the big night with fun.

After three hours the two fairies were getting ready for their night when Bloom walked inside their room "I guess you two are going to have fun as I can see " Bloom smirked at them Beatrix rolled her eyes while she put her dark red lipstick "Don't you have to study something? Like you said or having a date with your prince charming?" Beatrix asked Bloom the fire fairy only rolled her eyes and crossed her arms while Musa chuckled and finally got done with her hairstyle "Now if you excuse us little fire fairy me and my roommate need to shine at that night" Beatrix said walking away holding Musa's hand.

The two girls left the suite Beatrix already had a car her and Musa walked in it and then Beatrix drove away giving some stares at Musa with smirk as usual "Are you excited?" Beatrix asked while she was driving the car without taking her eyes off the road Musa looked at the air fairy and chuckled "Yes totally " Musa said a bit excited Beatrix only chuckled and continued driving and the mind fairy just stared at her phone she was scrolling through instagram as usual but thinking about someone some blush made her cheeks into bright pink and red she can't get him out of her mind and she doesn't even want to.

After that long driving the two girls finally arrived at the club where they would spent half of their night with fun and drinking the girls walked out of the car both girls had big smiles on their faces and entered inside the club with bright purple colours like Musa's powers it feels like every emotion from every person was lighting that big place a lot of crowds were dancing some of them were drinking and others were flirting and making out "Well let's have fun shall we?" Beatrix asked the fairy with smirk smile and walked on the dance floor with Musa they both start dancing and laughing a lot of happiness they really didn't pay attention at the guys who stared at them plus they were already in relationship.

After long dancing the two girls were at the bar drinking whiskey and chatting "Oh my gosh you are literally my other half" Beatrix said tapping Musa's shoulder they both chuckled and smiled at each other "Well I guess you do too" Musa said taking another sip of her drink they both still chatted and finished their drinks then they ordered another one and continued chat with each other.

After two/three drinks Beatrix start hiccups a bit "I will be right back" Beatrix said with some giggle and walked to the restroom Musa only nodded and stayed alone at the bar when a guy reached her he was ready to flirt with her even Musa was drunk she knew to control herself around guys "Are you alone sweetheart?" for sure he drank a lot she could even smell it in her breath Musa rolled her eyes she tried to hold her cool and be nice she doesn't want any issue right now "I am actually with a friend she just went to the restroom can you please leave me alone now?" Musa sounded a bit annoyed like her first time with Riven.

The guy only chuckled and got more close to Musa she pulled away from him with three meter distance from that annoying guy she can read his mind he wanted to put her in his bed "you don't have to lie sweetheart maybe we can go to somewhere and you know to have some fun" he winked at the fairy and put his hand behind her waist she start to feel uncomfortable Musa just pulled away from that guy she wanted to run away from that place but she can't leave Beatrix all alone here with that type of guys or even girls.

"Can you please leave me alone? Or you can just find someone else to fuck" Musa said with some sassy voice but the guy wouldn't give up he got more annoying and more close to her the fairy was pushing him away but he was getting back to her even tried to take her out from the club when a strong tall guy got next to the fairy "Don't you understand from body language or even a no?" his voice was felt with some madness Musa already recognized her voice she felt a bit reviled from the voice "I was just having fun with her back off " the other guy said grabbing Musa's hand when the other one pushed the guy on the floor "Actually" he made a small pause "she is mine" the other guy said to the guy who harassed Musa the mind fairy had a smile on her face and then the other one left both of them all alone.

"What is my little pixie doing here? All alone? I swear I would kill him" the specialist said cheering the fairy a bit "I'm not alone I'm with Beatrix and I really hoped you actually punched him in the face" they both giggled and then Musa kissed his lips gently the troublemaker put his hands on her waist and kissed her back with passion.

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