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One week later...

The trip west was hard, Soonyoung had chosen to live in a small house in the middle of the forest, being his element the earth. Mingyu didn't know what was in his mind thousands of years ago when all that happened. He just knew that the prince didn't want to stay in his castle and when Mingyu had offered him to stay in his kingdom he had refused.

As much as he remembers, Soonyoung didn't even want to stay with Jihoon, his mate, who was one of the most important lords of Yesoden, so he could have lived with him, but he had chosen to live here in the forest. And Jihoon was so mad that he shut down the bond between them, Mingyu didn't even want to consider how painful it had been.

When he reached the wooden house covered in snow he could already sense the earth beneath his feet shifting and so he said to the wind. "Soonyoung, please if you want the floor to swallow me whole, at least save the horse. It's been a long journey."

A male appeared in front of him, his black short hair just as he remembered. His slander figure and his graceful movement had always amazed him. Soonyoung was looking around as if he was waiting for someone else to show, and when he understood that no one was with Mingyu, the latter could swear that he was disappointed.

"He is not here, if it's what you are looking for. I've left him in Yesoden now that Hansol is fighting in the battlefield. He is leading the city for me."

"I wasn't looking for him. I think he hates me more than anything in this world, and I do not blame him for it. He has every right to. Anyway, what are you doing here, Your Majesty? What do I owe the pleasure to?" Soonyoung said mokingly.

"I need your help, Soonyoung. My kingdom needs your help. Your kingdom needs it, too. I'm here to bring you back to the civilization."

"I'm living a pretty quiet life here. Away from all the city's fuss. I can be at one with my element. And I doubt that my kingdom would like to follow me. My people hate me because I wasn't there when Rodeven fell. They hate me because they died and I lived. It's understandable."

"This is what you think. Your people have been waiting for you since the first day. You have to come with me."

"I don't have to do anything for you, Your Majesty. You are nothing to me, and your kingdom means nothing to me. Go away now that you are still standing."

"I may not mean anything to you, but the one I loved did. And a lot. And he died for his people, he died for me. So you are going to come with me, or I'll swear I'm gonna take your ass by force."

"Do not bring him into this. You have no right to talk about him. About all of them."

Mingyu was boiling with rage and when he couldn't control his actions anymore he approached Soonyoung, taking him by his neck and yelled to his face. "I LOST THEM TOO, SOONYOUNG. ALL OF US LOST THEM, NOT JUST YOU. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER AND COME WITH ME."

Soonyoung just stood there without moving, and he just replied tightly, his jaw clenched "Go away, Mingyu."

Mingyu let him go, turning around and going to his horse, but before he left he looked right at Soonyoung and said "You are going to regret this. I was ready to beg you, Soonyoung, but now I understand that you aren't worthy. You are selfish, too selfish. They died to save the people that now you are now ignoring, and once you'll understand that maybe it'll be too late. You were a waste of time."

"Have a save ride home." Was the only thing Soonyoung said. "Maybe one day you'll understand what I'm doing here, and you won't be so angry at me."

"I'm not angry Soonyoung, I'm disappointed, I knew it would have been hard, but I thought that you cared."

"The ones I cared about died. Now go home Mingyu."

"There is still someone you care about in Yesoden."

And so Mingyu turned around and left.


The way home was strangely quiet, even the horse wasn't making any noise. The forest wasn't moving at all, he hadn't seen or heard an animal in a while. Not only that, even the wind had died down. As if everything was dead.

Suddenly all the noises of the forest came at once, a hoard of animals sprinting towards him, the fear visible on their eyes. His own horse panicked throwing Mingyu on the ground, hitting his head on a rock, but the adrenaline rushed in his blood and instead of running away he took his horse and went trotting towards when he horses ha come.

To say that is was terrifying was an understatement. A group of at least 20 soldier made of darkness, riding horses made of bones, unleashing their power over a small village that perhaps hadn't even heard of the dangerous things walking on this lands.

Mingyu sprinted towards it, some of the villagers were fighting so braverly, and not even with sword, but torches and pitchforks. The young ones were on the frontline while the others were preparing things to leave. Mingyu arrived and spoke to one of them. "Hey, I have some weapons if you want. I'll help you with them."

"Who are you, Sir?" The young man looked at him suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter now. Take this, and try to hit the neck." He said handing out a sword.

The young man spoke to his companions, trusting Mingyu. "Have you heard the young Lord? Hit the neck and do it fastly."  With that the battle started, the villagers were surprisingly good, half of the enemies fell under the fire-arrow the arches threw at them, but sadly not all the them survived, they still weren't experts soldiers who had practiced sword-playing. The second half of the darkness-soldiers fell under the sword and daggers, until even the last one of them was beheaded and their corpes burned.

Mingyu, even though he wasn't planning on delaying his departure, was invited by the head of the village to thank him, and he had accepted, not for the food they might offer, but for the sole fact that they had fought together side by side. He would leave in the early morning so it was fine to rest a bit.

Kissed by the Moonlight  ☆Minwon☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang