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"You should stay in bed and rest, and yet when your boyfriend calls you go running," Jeonhan said hugging Seungcheol. "It's too early to wake up."

"I know but don't worry angel, I'm fine. I need to meet Mingyu and Seokmin, you can go back to sleep." He stood up groaning and went to the bathroom to clean his wound, his husband following him to help. "This meeting is important, we'll discuss what to do with the war, and with them. So, babe, it's worthy waking up."

"I know, I know. I was joking, Mingyu need you more than anything now. And on my behalf, I think Jihoon needs me too. I haven't heard from him ever since and Soonyoung is missing, I think Jihoon knows better than I do, and I don't like that." Jeonghan said getting ready to bath. "We all have our duties, General Choi."

The couple left their house and parted ways. Seungcheol took his horse and went to the castle where he found Mingyu still in his office going through his work and he knocked on the door. "Good morning, Gyu."  When he didn't receive it back, he approached him. "Mingyu, have you slept?"

This time Mingyu looked up and spoke to him. "I tried, at least. How about your wound?" He said getting up and going to him, fixing his shirt. "Seokmin is arriving soon, do you want to eat something?"

"No, I want to talk. How are you Mingyu? I know it's a lot to handle. I mean I come here after a while, and I tell you your long-lost mate lives in the woods."

"I went there Cheol. I tried to cross the wood, but I turned by back. I stopped because of what you said about his sickness and if Joshua and Junhui are there with him, I won't probably get even close to him. They don't know me; I'll be killed on spot."

Seungcheol sat down and looked at some papers on the table. "They probably will, yes. We must wait, they need to trust us before anything else and then we'll bring them home."


Soonyoung woke up hearing Jeonhan and Jihoon talking, their voices were muffled and his eyes were blurred. His body was too weak to move even a finger, he was paralyzed by the pain and his head was spinning badly. He tried to move, to take in his surrounding and he almost panicked as he didn't know where he was.

The last thing he remembered was the conversation at the table and after that his emotions had been out of control. All he could think of was that his brothers were alive, that they had been living nearby all of this time and he had been blind.

When he tried to move again a sharp pain went through his limbs and his sides. He groaned as he let out a cry. Running steps filled the room and in a few moments, Jihoon was kneeling down in front of him, smiling. "Jihoon" 

The male smiled more as he let out a tear and answered him. "Hi, yes it's me. It's me." Jihoon caressed his head and kissed his hands. "You worried me so much. Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you I'm fine. I'm just a bit cold, I'll be fine in no time".

"I'm making you something warm to eat. How are you feeling?"

"It hurts everywhere, and my head is killing me." Soonyoung answered. "How did you find me?"

"I looked everywhere for you, Soonyoung." Jihoon had to let out all of his burdens by now. "And it's not the first time. I looked for you, because even if I don't want to, I care for you, so much."

Soonyoung was melting because of his words. "I know you came to look for me, I saw you every time you did." He painfully stood up. "And you have to believe me when I say that I just wanted to hug you, kiss you and fall on my knees to beg your forgiveness. But I didn't, because I thought you were better off without me, without my burdens."

"When I saw you unconscious on the shore my heart stopped, I thought I had lost you. All of this time I have been thinking about your well-being. At that time, I didn't want our apologies, I just wanted you, Soonyoung. I wanted to take care of you because I knew you were hurting but I didn't know what to do. And I was selfish because I got mad, and I shouldn't have. But now we discussed about this for too long. Lay back down and rest."


The market was packed and Junhui had no idea where he was, Yesoden was a big city with a lot of people and a lot of streets and turns. The soldiers hadn't been in the streets as much as Wonwoo who teaches there, but on his behalf, he was good at memorizing. 

When he found the things, he wanted he decided to buy something sweet for his brothers and so he approached a small shop of tea and herbs. Near the stand there was a young man, and Junhui was frozen by his beauty, and he could swear the boy was glowing.

"Sorry sir, can I do something for you?" The stand-keeper said looking at Junhui. This caught the attention of the boy and finally their eyes met, and dear heavens if he was beautiful. Jun thought that this couldn't be the first time they had met, he felt so familiar.

Minghao looked at Jun and his eyes felt watery. After so much time he was there in front of him, and he was perfect. There was the same spark in his eyes and the smile didn't change a bit. When they both realized they were staring at each-other they turned away. "Sorry for that." Said the older. "I thought we met before, but I must be wrong. My apologies."

Minghao looked astonished at him, too nervous to answer at first, but after few seconds he said. "It's fine, don't worry. You also have a known face, sir...?"

"I'm Junhui, a soldier of Yesoden's army. I was going to buy something for my brothers but I'm not very keen on teas. Can you help me?"

"Ehm, yes. I personally suggest this one, it's flowerily and very sweet. Here take it. Oh, and please call me Minghao." He said passing a little bag to him, his hands shaking. 

"Thank you, Minghao. I'll make sure to drink this well. Sorry, I have to leave now, they are waiting for me to make the soup so, I shall go." Jun said a bit sadly.

"I hope to see you again, Junhui."

"Me too, Minghao."

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