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Mingyu was still reading the war reports when Soonyoung arrived at the tent, as he stepped foot there Mingyu quickly shushed him pointing at the still sleeping man, so the older gestured him to talk outside, which the king agreed so he glanced on last time at Wonwoo and went outside.

"So, anything? Me and Joshua went through hell these past hours, Jihoon seemed fine at first, but now, he is raving. He wakes up screaming and sweating, and there is nothing I can do."  He said leaning on the little table outside the tent. 

"We did find something, and you won't like it. We need to go to Turgar as soon as possible, it should be safe now. For as much as I know no one lives there anymore." Mingyu explained. "We shall leave soon."

"Turgar? Why would we go there? You can't step foot there and now there isn't nothing there if not bad memories and old ruins." Soonyoung glanced at him worried.

"It's the last place I would step foot on, but apparently we have no choice. When Wonwoo wakes up I'll tell you better what can be done. For now, all we are sure of is that the only cure is the water of lake Linx."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I'll be fine, there is nothing that matters more than our family to me, if I have to go there to save Jihoon I'll go without a question, you must know by now."

"Right... And about Wonwoo... How are you? How are you taking all this, I know it's hard seeing them right in front of us, but as I'm learning, it is true, and they are just the same as before."

"I have been staring at Wonwoo ever since he stepped in the hospital, and now I can't stop staring at him sleeping peacefully in my tent. The last time I saw him he was dying in my arms, but now he has been explaining me how to read a map that is older than Yesoden itself."  Mingyu looked back at the sky. "He wasn't joking at that time, and I dont know if I should be glad, he's here or scared because of what will happen." 

"Everything will be fine, because this time I won't let anything happen to them, not anymore. And I know everyone feels the same as me, you on top of all. Now I have to go, we don't know when Jihoon will wake up and I have to be there. Don't strain yourself too much, I'll see you later."  As he said that he left, while Mingyu went back to his papers.


When the sun rose Wonwoo woke up to find Mingyu still going through his reports. He supposed the king had a lot to do, especially now. There was something about the sun glowing on his tan skin that made Wonwoo gulp, he was breath-taking, but he had to keep himself together in front on the head of the country. "No sleep at all I guess."

"Oh... you are awake. Good morning." The king said softly looking at him. Wonwoo stayed there a bit dumbfolded by the king kindness. "There is something for you to eat and then I'll need your help again. We need to know everything about Turgar and how to save Jihoon. I know I'm asking a lot, but we need this."

"I understand, you are a family and there is nothing I wouldn't do for my brothers. Let me just see how Joshua is doing and then I'll help you. He has been exhausting himself and if neither me or Junhui check on him he'll just keep working to his limit." 

"I'll go with you. I need to take a break anyway." 

The camp was still silent as they make their way to the hospital. The few soldiers that were awake smiled at the king and one of them approached them. "Mingyu, the small village has been freed and now Cheol is taking some men to guard it." 

"Thanks Chan, let me know we he comes back." The younger nodded and left again. "That was one member of my court, but I think I can consider him as my little, clumsy brother. We grew up together, I raised him. We didn't have anything at the time, but here we are." 

"I know how it feels, when we were little Joshua didn't eat for days to help us. He even lent us his cloak when we were cold, and now he takes care of others, but he needs to learn that he can take breaks too." 

"He must be a wonderful man." Mingyu said as he held open the door of the hospital. 

When they entered the room, they found the said man asleep leaning on a man that Wonwoo didn't know, but the latter smiled down at the man sleeping on his shoulder as continued to read some letters. Wonwoo glanced at Mingyu looking for answers.

"He is my Third in Comand, Lee Seokmin, you can trust him." He whispered. "There is no one on this earth as caring as him." He then knocked on the door catching Seokmin attention.

"He fell asleep an hour ago, let him sleep. It was a hard night. It's the first time we got to catch a break." Seokmin said softly.

Wonwoo considered if it was safe to leave his brother there alone, but he did have something to do, and the man seemed worthy his trust. "Let him rest as much as possible, and make sure he eats something when he wakes up."

"I'll keep that in mind."


The road back was silent as there were the hours after that. They had been studying a plan to bring Jihoon to Turgar as he had to be there personally. After a night without sleep Mingyu wasn't really following what Wonwoo was explaining him, he was just sitting there looking at him absent-minded, nodding from time to time. 

"I think this can work. What do you think?"  Wonwoo asked when he was finished. He had prepared everything, even using old maps to locate the places where they could stay within Turgar. "Mingyu...?"  When he rose his head, he found the young king sleeping on the desk. 

His face was so peaceful that Wonwoo couldn't stop his hand as he tugged a strand of his hair behind his ear. There was no denying it, the man was utterly stunning. Wonwoo had only seen the king with a tense and tired look, never as calm as this. "Sleep well, Mingyu."

As Wonwoo was about to leave, Mingyu suddenly grabbed his hand stopping him. "Are you awake?"  When he didn't receive an answer he bent down, looking at the king. "Mingyu?"

"Don't go, please." Mingyu murmured. "Don't leave."

Wonwoo didn't know what to do, he thought that exhaustion had won over the king that was now just talking nonsense, but even if he knew that they had met just the day before he didn't have the heart to leave the man. "I won't, I'll stay here. Rest for a bit."

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