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Mingyu was a real bastard.

That was what Soonyoung had been repeating in his head all night, like a mantra. Over and over again.

To come here and say that things to him, he really was a bastard, to use his people against him. To use his brothers against him.

Fuck Kim Mingyu.

Yet the price, or shall he call him, the king had hit the right spot, and his words were digging their way into Soonyoung's heart. It was 4 am when he decided that the prick was right. So after hundreds of years, he said goodbye to his small wooden house and using his magic he left to find the Kim-prick.


The bed was the most uncomfortable thing Mingyu had ever tried, like a bar of solid, icy stone. But better than nothing he thought. He woke up at the first morning light, the village was already awake and so Mingyu went to say goodbye and started to leave. All the villagers had thanked him, giving him something for his journey, which he accepted gladly. And so, he left.

It had already been some hours, the sky had darkened at midday, the cold weather was piercing his skin. Suddenly the earth beneath his horse moved, the animal sprinting forward out of fear, but Mingyu had understood and had tried to stop it, which only led to him being unseated. His body hit the ground loudly and he let out a groan of pain.

"Sorry My King, it wasn't my intention."  Said Soonyoung laughing. He himself got off the horse, offering Mingyu a hand which he refused.

Slowly he got on his feet and spoke to the prince. "Was it necessary, Soonyoung? Did it please you?"

"Actually yes, don't complain. You are not hurt. Little cry-baby."

"What do you want Soonyoung? Humiliate me? Good job. Really." He said clapping his hands.

"I actually wanted to come with you but now I'm inclined to turn my back again and leave you here."

"Even if you want to come, now I don't have a horse, thanks for that."

"Come on little King as if you don't know my power." Soonyoung snapped his fingers, a warm wind came from him somehow reaching the panicked animal that was now trotting towards them again.

"I have to tell you something, you need to find a better horse. This one leaves you behind every time."

"I'll repeat it again... Why are you here? Just leave me alone."

"First of all, you came to my house splitting facts about my people. And second, if you let me, you don't have to travel alone. Your court knows that?"

"I asked them not to come. Don't judge the people you once lived with."

"I'm not judging them. I'm judging you; I heard about the village. Are you insane Mingyu? What if something happened?"

"What do you even care about that?"

Soonyoung stood silent for a while, looking behind Mingyu, he met his eyes and said strictly. "The sun is setting. It's not safe for us to stop here. Come on."

Mingyu rolled his eyes and rode next to Soonyoung without saying anything else. The silent night wrapping around him and they trotted for the next few days, Soonyoung's power shielding them.


Yesoden was the same, Soonyoung thought as he rode towards the Kim's castle. The narrow streets and the tiny market were the evidence of that. Even the castle had the same colour as always. Yesoden had always been a beautiful place and a great country, Mingyu had made sure to keep it as it was. As they rode, Soonyoung had slightly started to regret it, to being here after so long.

He already imagined the judging glances and whispered words about him. And in particular he imagined a pair of eyes looking at him with hatred he deserved. Mingyu had promised that he wouldn't be here, but he knew the man better.

And he saw him, standing proudly on the stairs, his chin up and eyes as cold as ice... Jihoon. His Jihoon. As if he still had the authority to call him that. As if Soonyoung was invisible, Jihoon turned around, saying something to Hansol, and went inside. When they arrived the younger greeted them happily.

"Soonyoung, it's nice to see you again. Mingyu... Was your trip back, ok?"

"It was fine, except for someone scaring my horse to death."

They started chatting about this and that. Soonyoung wasn't really listening to what they were saying. So, he just announced that he was too tired and was led into the castle, to his chamber. He spotted the lord almost immediately. "Jihoon... Can we talk?"

The man was still the most beautiful person he had met. In the long time he had been away from everything, Jihoon had been his only regret. The only thing he wanted for himself. Too late maybe. "No, we can't. I have nothing to say."

"Please let me explain." Soonyoung tried.

"I don't want to hear. The words I wanted to tell you before... I forgot them almost 5 hundred years ago."

"Don't do this. I know I hurt you, I know I was wrong but let me tell you something."

"No. As I said I don't want to see you."

"Then why were you waiting for me before?"

Jihoon turned around and started to walk away as he softly said, "To see if you would have really come here again." And he disappeared.

Soonyoung hadn't expected anything less than this, it still hurt him, but a voice said from behind him "I would have done the same."

He knew that voice, the sweet, soft voice. Soonyoung turned towards him, his eyes bright and his lips curving in a smile. "Jeonghan..."

"It's nice to see you Soonyoung. How have you been all alone in the forest?"

"Now that I saw him, I don't know if that was the worst decision of my life. But I think it can't be helped. Where is Seungcheol?"

"At the border, I think. He'll be back soon. Now go wash up. Dinner will be ready soon and someone is arriving. You better brace yourself for that." He said grinning and walking away.

Kissed by the Moonlight  ☆Minwon☆Where stories live. Discover now