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The war council was tense, not only because there were taking about going back from where they had run away, but also because Soonyoung was there, worried to his very bones about Jihoon that wasn't getting any better. He was pestering Mingyu with questions about the plan he and Wonwoo had come up with, and Mingyu didn't really have answers as Wonwoo was practically speaking alone. 

So just to clarify the plan, Mingyu called the teacher so that he could explain it, and when he was done Mingyu's court was ready to leave right then and there. They will choose a small group to go, the fewer they were, the faster they could move. Of course, Soonyoung was going, followed by Seungcheol and Hansol. 

Mingyu had tried to convince them to let him come, but his second insisted that he had to stay here, and Soonyoung had agreed, telling him to keep his brothers safe, and then they had left. Mingyu had taken control of the army, now the situation was pretty stable and with Seokmin there at the camp too, he could stay a little calmer. 

"Did they leave?"  Wonwoo said getting into his tent, he had to leave too, to Mingyu's disappointment. "It's time I go back, there still is something I need to do in town. I have to look into the library, if I can find something about the shadow-thing you described me maybe it'll be easier for you to fight them."

"You don't have to do that, I bet you have better things to do." That wasn't what he wanted to say at all, Mingyu wanted to keep Wonwoo as close as him as possible, but he knew the man had a life in town and with most of the citizen here at the camp someone had to help the kids that had remained without parents. 

Joshua had explained him that the school where Wonwoo worked was just for orphans' children and that Wonwoo cared for them a lot, coming there had been a small favor but now he had gone back and help them. "Is there anything I can do to thank you?"

"There is no need for that, it's my job to learn things and if that can help someone than it's worth it. I hope to help more once I go back." Wonwoo looked gently at him before his expression changed to concern. "Actually, can I ask you a favor?"

Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows and nodded. "Yes, anything you want."

"When the storm hit, I was at school with the kids, they have no one in the world so that school is like their home, they live there, eat there. It was destroyed and now they are staying in an old farm that one of teacher possess, but I'm scared as it's not far from the eastern border. So, I was thinking... if it doesn't burden you... I-I don't know if it's right to ask you this..."

Mingyu's eyes softened thinking how Wonwoo wanted to do something for those kids. "How can I help?" He said kindly, standing up and going to him.

"If there is a safe place for them to stay, not too long, just for a couple of weeks until the school is repaired. It would be helpful." Wonwoo said lowering his gaze, knowing not anyone could ask the king a place to shelter.

"There is the mansion near the castle, is big enough and the kids will have someone to cook for them, I'll send some letters letting Jeonghan know you are going to stay there for a while so it can be prepared." Mingyu offered more than willing to help the man before him.

"Thank you, I know it's asking for a lot, but... Thank you." Wonwoo said bowing his head. "You can visit us after all this ends, the kids will be excited to meet the king."

"I'll come for sure so tell them to wait for a bit. It'll be an honour."


Seungcheol hated everything about Turgar its weather, its difficult paths, its mountains and its terrible reek of burned things and rotten meat of dead animals. Not to talk about how his family had decided long ago to turn their backs at him once he decided to follow Mingyu and not that tyrant of his half-brother.

 At that time, he had expected them to reach for him once they realised Mingyu was a better king, but now he knew there was nothing that could be done, back then, his family was part of the royalty, their status meant too much for them. He, on the other hand had followed the young bastard of the later king, seeing him grown as the amazing man he was now.

He had never regretted leaving, not when he had now an incredible husband by his side and lots of friends to count on. Hansol, on the contrary was just a kid when they left, he too was an illegitimate son of a lord that had left him dying just outside the walls of the capital, his mother had given him just something to eat and had left him there, he couldn't even remember her face now. Seungcheol had found him in a forest looking for something to eat and then he had taken it upon himself to care for the younger.

It had been three days since they had left. The land was completely desolated, no city on sight, or people wondering around. Just them moving with a small carriage, with Jihoon unconscious thanks to some herbs Joshua had given them to calm the effects of the poison.

Wonwoo had explained them every detail of his plan, giving them indications of where to find rivers and plains, where to sleep for the night, but Seungcheol knew that country too well, he knew that there were still some parts of it where people lived, like the independent cities of the South that had rebelled long ago and had remained hidden from every maps. 

The lake was still a day away and now it was getting dark, they hadn't stopped all day if not to eat and letting the horse take a small break, as they stopped and started to put down the tent Hansol approached Seungcheol. "Cheol, do you think Jihoon will really get better?"

Seungcheol turned giving him a reassuring smile. "I know this land does not give very much hope and even if now it's totally wretched, it was once a great country, if not because of its rulers then for its treasure. It holds a power that is as old as the Earth itself. Don't worry about this, it'll work."

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