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Mingyu had been staring outside his window for hours now. The stars were now visible in the night sky, shining and beautiful. He didn't notice someone going in his office until Seungcheol spoke. "Are you ok, Mingyu?" Seungcheol said going to him.

"I don't know. I've had him going around until now, and I never once noticed. He has been here ever since."  Mingyu said still looking out the window towards the forest.

"They live near the border, far into the wood. You couldn't know."

"Please tell me again that you saw them. That they are really there somewhere."

"I did. I talked to them, Mingyu. When I touched Joshua, he was warm, he was alive."

"But you said that Wonwoo is sick..."  He said now looking at his second.

"Don't think the worst, maybe it's just a cold, Joshua is going to take care of him."

"I just can't keep it out of my mind, he has to be ok Seungcheol."

"Trust them Mingyu, he will be fine. And when the time is right, we are going to get them. All of them."

"I can't wait, I just want to see him."

A shiver went down his spine. After what they had learned he had remained so shocked that he just stood there at table. But unlike him, Seokmin had let out a single tear before going out.

Minghao too had decided to lock himself in his rooms. Soonyoung had rushed out before all of them, clenching his stomach, his face pale. Seungkwan had tried to go after him, but someone else was already sprinting towards the door, so he just excused himself and went to his rooms as well, Hansol right behind him.

It was Chan who stood up going next to Mingyu, putting a hand on his shoulder, that silent understanding meant everything to him.

Seungcheol had to console Jeonghan as the man was shaking in his seat. "They are alive... Joshua is alive..." Said Jeonghan in disbelief. His husband tightened his hug. "Yes, and he is just the same as before. His smile didn't change. He is ok baby."

Mingyu stood up leaving them in private, he took his horse and rushed towards the forest. He didn't know the way, nor did he know how he couldn't notice them in the army he had led. He even tried to venture in the woods but decided that it was not a good idea. 

Not when Wonwoo was apparently sick, probably heavily guarded by Jun and Joshua, two of the most skilled warriors of the army who couldn't recognise him. But he was happy, so happy. So, when he was finally alone, he cried, after so much time he has allowed himself to cry before the trees that separated him and Wonwoo.


Jihoon's eyes, when Seungcheol had told them about Joshua and Junhui, had landed on Soonyoung automatically. The latter had paled right away, his eyes darting on all of them except Jihoon himself. Then he had ran away, very fast.

Through the thin bond Jihoon had felt his anxiety rising up, all the emotions felt by Soonyoung soon reached him, making him feel sick. So, he had chased after him.

He looked for him for hours, shouting his name, tugging him through the bond and also riding across the city. It was late at night when he felt Soonyoung's emotions burst free and then dropping all of sudden. Not even a whisper or any kind of thing. Just blackness, and not a good one.

Later in the morning he had finally found him near a river, a wall of earth all around him, trees and flowers scattered on the grass, far away from the city, soaked in sweat and trembling. His face still pale and his skin full of little scratches. Jihoon's heart dropped dead in his chest, he got off the horse and rushed to him, gripping his face in his hands as he tried to wake him up.

"Soonyoung! Wake up! Please open your eyes!" Still no answer. Jihoon touched his forehead, checked his breathing and his pulse.

"Soonyoung I swear if you don't open your eyes... I gonna kick your ass. Soonyoung!"

Nothing. Just a small whisper through the bond: Help me Jihoon...

So, he did, he called back his horse and placed Soonyoung on the saddle, going then after him. He secured the unconscious boy on his back and rode back at full speed, Soonyoung still trembling behind him.

He reached his small cottage just a few minutes from the city and he brought Soonyoung inside laying him on the small couch. It was not his official residence, but he didn't want to pass through the city with his mate so vulnerable.

He placed a warm blanket on the older, lighted up a fire and cooked something. Going to the bathroom he took some bandage for the scratches and a piece of cloth to wash him, then some clothes.

Jihoon took off Soonyoung's soaked shirt and pants, washed him with cool water and put the new ones, treating his injuries. Then he tried to wake him up again. "Soonyoung, wake up so you can eat something."

"Soonyoung please..." He pleaded softly tugging away his hair from his forehead.

" Ji... Jihoonie?" He said still with his eyes closed.

" Yes, yes it's me. Sit up and eat, then you can rest more." He said still caressing him.

" I'm not hungry. Sorry for bothering you. I'll leave soon." Soonyoung murmured trying to get up and failing. Jihoon grabbed him and laid him again.

" Stay put and don't you dare moving away from the couch."

" Jihoon..."  Soonyoung looked apologetically at him. His eyes full of regret and shame.

" You heard me." Jihoon said firmly.

" Sorry..." Soonyoung replied falling back into unconsciousness.

Fuck, how do I do this? Jihoon sat down next to the couch grabbing Soonyoung's hand and placing there a small kiss. He continued to play with his hair and whispered soft words in his ears.

Tell me what happened. Tell how you hurt yourself so much.

Kissed by the Moonlight  ☆Minwon☆Where stories live. Discover now