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The small village was quiet as Soonyoung walked into it. Getting past the guards hadn't been that hard as the few warriors were just too unexperienced to deal with him. Maybe Minhyuk was underestimating him, or maybe he was going right into a trap, but now the most important thing was to get to Jihoon.

Soonyoung didn't waste a second as he strode across the streets, trying to feel his mate through the bond. When he came near a house that was slightly bigger and fancier than the rest he knew he had to be close, knowing Minhyuck he would have probably chosen the best house of the village. 

Getting inside was easier than expected, but as soon as he started to walk throught the house a group of soldiers chased him. He stormed into the hall where he could fight freely, so he launched forward against the first of them, blocking another one with his sword, he swung it again killing the first one which cost him a deep cut on his leg, but it was as if he couldn't feel the piercing pain. 

"Let's get this over with." He said panting a bit.

Soonyoung got to his feet and stabbed the soldier, he left the dying soldier there as he continued to look into the house, and after some minutes he found a big door from where he could hear Minhyuk voice and at least three more man, he couldn't care less, he had to get inside. 

So, he just opened the door, pointing the sword at Minhyuk.

"Get your hands off him."


The royal castle was huge and just as beautiful and as he strode through the halls the kids couldn't stop giggling and whispering about pretending to be queens and kings. 

Wonwoo and Jeonghan were walking slightly behind them as the older explained how the kids could do anything as long as that didn't get hurt. When they arrived at the chambers arranged for the kids a young man was waiting for them, smiling brightly as he waved at the kids who returned the action.

The young man approched Wonwoo with teary eyes as he held his hand and shook it. "I have been waiting to meet you, I'm Seungkwan. It's good to see you and the kids are doing fine."

Wonwoo didn't know why the man was so emotional, but he just smiled kindly at him and squeezed his hand. "Thank you, I'm Wonwoo, it's nice to be here. Thank you for welcoming us so kindly."  He said smiling.

"Now that you are here let's give them some time to freshen-up and get some rest. We will tell the staff to prepare something for you to eat." Jeonghan said as he dragged away Seungkwan. "See you later Wonwoo."

After he had been left alone, Wonwoo decided to go to his rooms, as he strode through the hallways he couldn't help the feelings of familiarity he felt. He had never been in a castle before, all he knew was the little hut and the school, but this place almost felt like home.

His rooms were bigger than the little house he lived in and it also had a bathroom with hot water. Pure luxury for Wonwoo sore bones.

The king had been too kind and he couldn't do anything but smile at the thought.

After he had bathed and eaten something he decided it was time to go and check up the kids. When he was ready it was pretty late, so he pecked in the room finding the kids curled up, sleeping soundly.

He decided to go grab some air in the inter garden where he found the boy from before, apparently deep in thought, which he didn't want to disturb if not for the soft sobs escaping the younger's mouth.

He approached Seungkwan slowly, sitting beside him as the younger looked up on him with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you. I just heard you and... I didn't want to overstep." Wonwoo said guiltily.

Seungkwan dried his tears quickly as he apologised. "No, no. You didn't. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me cry."

"No, I mean... After all it's your house. You have the right to do anything you want. If you want to vent on me I'm here."

"I know you must be tired, I don't want to bother you and you probably have your own things to look at. It's difficult to raise all those kids, you are admirable."

"I'm just doing what somebody else did for me and my brothers."

"And that makes you admirable Wonwoo."


Jihoon wasn't really seeing anything but fog and a wooden ceiling, which was alarming since the last thing he remembered was an open plain and Soonyoung.

The thing that made his heart drop was not seeing a ceiling but rather not seeing the older. To add coal to the fire he had his wrists tied up and that wasn't comforting.

His head was pretty clear for the first time in a while, and the first thing he heard was "Soonyoung is at the gate." Followed by a rustling of steel as a line of armed guards lined up in front of the door.

Some shouting came from upstairs and after some minutes the door was opened and Jihoon heard the most beautiful voice ever.

"Get your hands off him".


It was Soonyoung. His mate. His mate had come to save him. And he had to be completely mad but he was crying as Soonyoung made his way through the guards.

"Let him ho Minhyuk or I swear I'm gonna slice you open."

And gods he had to be really out of his mind but weren't those the most touching words ever.

He didn't really know who Soonyoung was referring to, but he didn't know the tone of his voice meant troubles.

"He will ruin us all."

"Get the fuck away, last warning."

"You need to understand Soonyoung." As he said that, Minhyuk moved towards him which unexpectedly made him tense and as he lined a blade to his throat Jihoon couldn't stay put anymore.

He grabbed the man's wrist, throwing himself off the table he was lying on and landing painfully on the ground.

Soonyoung was soon charging at the man, careful to keep Minhyuk away from Jihoon.

As he was straddling the other he landed some punches on his face until Minhyuk was shaking, then he got up pointing one finger at him. "Don't mess with me or him, and don't you even dare threaten my family. Stay here in this shit hole away from all of us."

Sorry for the late update
but school started

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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