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It was dark outside when Junhui arrived at the tent where Joshua was resting, the older had been working all day long and the little hospital was packed. Junhui shook lightly his brother trying to wake him up. "Shua, wake up. We need to talk."

Joshua woke up eye-wided hearing someone talking. "Jun, what are you doing here at this hour? What happened?" He said sitting up.

"I need you to understand what I'm about to say. Let me sit here." Jun said sitting on his bed.

"What's wrong?" The older asked.

"Tomorrow we will strike upon the army, and I don't know if everything will go well..." The younger started just to be interrupted shortly after.

"Jun what are you trying to say..."

"Let me talk, this is important. If something goes wrong, I need you to go back home, grab Wonwoo and run away. Don't look back, just go and do not come back."

"Ok, ok. Wait. Jun I'll stop you right away. If something goes wrong, I'll run straight to where you are, grab you by the hair and pull you away from the camp. Then I'll go home, take Wonwoo and run. And I'll go with both of you. That's what we do, we stick together and look out for each other. Now go to sleep so that we can rest."


The battlefield was blood-soaked, Seungcheol on the right and Hansol on the left were fighting and Mingyu was fighting the urge to go there to help them. But now he had something to do that could save them. When they crossed the field and then the border, Chan got on the horse going to the village as planned.

 When the others saw a fire lighten up and moving towards the enemy's camp, the others stayed hidden as Chan went trotting away from it. The youngest of them all grabbed the attention of the guards and then he rode far away, taking them with him. 

Mingyu and Soonyoung went into it, followed by Seokmin and Jihoon watching their backs. When they arrived far deep at the tents, Mingyu used his magic followed by Soonyoung. Seokmin looked into around to search for some survivors held prisoners, but he didn't find anything.

No one was left alive by their fury. Jihoon too walked around as he assessed the state of the remaining ruins of the old cities. As they continued to strike, a group of soldiers ran straight to him, and unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to avoid a sword going to his side. The binding pain made him scream as he fell on his knees clenching his wound, when the soldier rose his sword again, Jihoon made a run towards where his friends were.

When Soonyoung saw him running and bleeding, he ran to him, but he was too far from where the others had been, and when the older realised that running wouldn't be enough, he yelled at him. "GET DOWN." As he sent a wave of his power to protect Jihoon. 

As he reached him, he pressed on the wound, taking him in his arms and took his face in his hands. "Are you ok? Does it hurt badly? What can I do?" He was panicking and all he could think of was the bleeding. 

"I'm fine. I... I just didn't see it coming. Are you done with... the camp?" He managed to say.

"Yes, yes. But now we need to bring you away from here. If there is someone else, we are not safe." As he said that another scream broke from the camp, and it was Mingyu. So Soonyoung helped Jihoon and when they arrived where Mingyu was, he set him down, going to the younger, now standing between some corpse. "Mingyu, what happened?"

"I used my power when I saw Seokmin struggling but now we are fine. Our work is done, we can go back. As soon as Chan arrives, I'll take down the guards, then we'll set Jihoon on the horse, and he'll go right to the infirmary."

When a trotting sound arrived from south Soonyoung said. "Looks like we won't wait for long. Are you ready?"

"It seems like it." When the targets were near, he snapped their necks with his power and as Chan dismounted Soonyoung helped Jihoon on it as they rode back to Yesoden full speed.


It was late at night and Wonwoo was riding to the camp where his brother was working, it had arrived a letter from him saying that he needed help, so he had left. When he started to see the little hospital, he got off the horse and secured it out as he went to Joshua who was waiting outside, Junhui nowhere to be found. When the oldest saw him, he ran to him hugging his brother.

"I read the letter, and I brought the books you needed. This is all I could find at this hour, the library was closed, I found all of this in the school. If it's not enough tomorrow, I'll go there as soon as it opens." Wonwoo said holding his books.

 "I don't know what we are looking for, but we need to understand it quickly. You are good with books, and this must be very old, so we'll need to translate them." Joshua said guiding him to the hall. "We'll make this work."

When Wonwoo went into the room a pair of shining, brown eyes looked at him intently. The man who was looking at him was handsome, his body was extremely fit, and he was the tallest. Wonwoo eyes locked with his and he felt the piercing gaze of the other on him. He was stunning.

"Wonwoo, may I introduce you the king of Yesoden, Mingyu." Joshua said as the former bowed his head. "My king, this is my brother, he has been studying old languages since he was a child, and he was the only one in town I knew that could help us."

"I hope to be helpful, but due to the late hour this is all I could find."  Wonwoo said bowing a little, the king's eyes still on him. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Joshua has talked really nicely about you. I want you to meet Prince Soonyoung of Antigua and Lord Jihoon. We have been attacked and a swing of sword hit Jihoon on his side. Since we brought him back here, he has been hallucinating, so maybe in the old books we can find something of help. I'll help you, if that's ok with you".

"Then we need to get started, but maybe you should rest my king. You must be tired and now there is some time for you to sleep a bit." Wonwoo said looking at his books and then at him. "This is a lot to read, it'll take all night."   

"Rest can come later, I don't mind staying up all night. We can go somewhere quiet so that we let Joshua work and Jihoon can rest. Soonyoung take care of him, I'll be here as soon as we're done. But first can we talk for a bit." He then faced Wonwoo. "Just few minutes and we can start." 

"Sure, I'll wait Your Majesty."

Kissed by the Moonlight  ☆Minwon☆Where stories live. Discover now