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I don't know where my girlfriend is, where my best friend is, I don't know what's happening! I tried running back into Carrie's hospital room, and saw her in a horrible state.

Her usual perfect hair was now tangled and her hands were covered in brown mud. Her eyes were hazy, and she looked like she was in a trance. Waving a hand in front of her, I called for a doctor.

Carrie ignored me, so I started shaking her shoulders, her body shook lifelessly. My phone was soon in my hand, and with fingers shaking uncontrollably, I called Carrie's parents.

Soon, doctors, nurses, and Carrie's parents came rushing into the hospital room.

"Oh, my god.............." The doctor said,

"Holy......" The nurses exclaimed.

"NO! My baby!!" Carrie's mom yelled in hysteria. Worry and sorrow was imprinted on her dad's usually kind face.

I studied Carrie's face, her hands were frozen in midair, forming a cross on the blanket, her back stiff, hair messy, and eyes glassy.

Carrie had been my longtime childhood friend, she had been the one to introduce me to Lana, and now she was in a coma..........?

Her state made my heart almost stop beating, it was indescribable. It was terrifying, it was abnormal, it was, it was.... YES! It was fear that was clearly written on Carrie's face.

Her muscles were twisted in agony, wait! Where's Lana?

Dialing, Lana didn't pick up. Wait, what's happening? First, Carrie gets into a coma, then Lana and Steve disappear, and Derek. Oh! Derek just rushed in, out of breath.

"Wha–what's happened?" Derek asked.

Spotting Carrie, Derek started caressing her face,

"Oh, Carrie!" He whispered softly as tears started to form in his eyes.

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