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Through my tears, my vision started to sharpen, and I could see Steve shifting uncomfortably. Sniffling intentionally louder, observing Steve become more agitated.

Hm, something is up with him, and I'm finding out what it is.

I started bawling fake tears, my acting lessons all paying off. Soon, Steve excused himself and left the room, and Lana looked at me with a demanding expression,

"Why did you do that? Come'on I'm your bestie, you can't fool me!"

"Fine," I replied, sagging with defeat.

Telling her everything, from Steve's strange reactions, to his fiddling hands, suddenly forever fidgeting.

Lana bit her lip, and a confused but suspicious look crossed her pretty face, but it soon disappeared.

"Probably just his guilty conscience about what he's done to you," She muttered.

I shook my head, thinking, pondering about his queer behavior. It wasn't normal for him to do this, he was always ever so confident, never admitting his mistakes.

Today was Lana and my first visit to Steve, who was in jail. We had come to talk about what happened during the time when I suddenly froze and had flashes of trauma.

Lana hurried me out, and we left together, clicking heels resonating on the walls, I took one last look at Steve, who had silently returned.

What I saw chilled me to the bone, icy blue eyes staring at me intently with a devil's grin.

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