Valentine [knf]

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The date was February fourteenth. An enjoyable day for couples around the world. The singles, however? Maybe not so much.

Karl and George strolled the sidewalk of downtown, both alone on the day of love. Most of their other friends were busy with their romance, so the two decided to keep each other company to feel better.

It wasn't all bad, really. They had gotten slushies, went to see a movie, and had an overall fun day together. It definitely helped to get rid of the general loneliness of Valentine's Day.

The two walked down the pavement, chatting casually. George stopped when laying his eyes upon a mini sign that stood outside of a little shop, causing Karl to stop as well.

"It says free dessert or milkshake for couples for Valentine's Day only," George commented, confusing Karl.


George looked at the other, smiling. "I could go for a milkshake right now."

Karl gazed at the other with an eyebrow raised. "But we're not a couple."

"They don't know that."

Karl smiled as he caught onto what the other was implying. Pretending to be dating George probably wasn't a big deal, it's not like the employees are going to know. It was fine.

They walked into the shop, Karl lacing their hands together for authenticity. The girl behind the register greeted them kindly.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" She smiled.

"Hey. My boyfriend and I were interested in the couple's valentine milkshakes, they are free, right?" George spoke of being Karl's boyfriend so casually, as if it almost sounded real. Karl supposed that's what George was going for, so he just smiled and played along.

"If you are a couple, then yes, it is free," she repeated the concept of the deal again.

"Great, that's us," he raised their intertwined hands just for extra proof, just in case for some reason she didn't believe them.

"Okay, flavour?"

"Vanilla, please."

"Alright, here you go, you can have a seat," she said, handing George a little ticket with the number 13 on it, their order number.

The two went over to sit down at a table, parting hands and sitting across from one another.

"Vanilla? Really? So many flavours and you picked the most basic one," Karl joked.

"Shut up, too much of any other flavour makes me sick!" George retaliated, laughing.

When the number 13 got called George went up and grabbed the milkshake, bringing it back to their table. Two straws sat at the top of the cup. George sat down, placing the drink on the table.

"I think they're onto us, a girl looked suspicious when I asked for an extra straw," George grinned. "We gotta look extra lovey-dovey now, or they're gonna take away our milkshake."

Karl took a sip, replying to George after. "Just pretend you're a germaphobe, surely they know the dangers of sharing straws?"

George chuckled at that, sipping the milkshake wholeheartedly. The two kept just giggling and drinking their milkshake, getting old looks from workers and other customers. It didn't matter to them, in fact, they hardly noticed. At least the milkshake was good.

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