Chapter six

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Toxic meets Toxic

"Are you sure that his dead?" A deep voice asks

"Yes boss. Him and his man will never bother us again." Another voice says.

"You guys did a good job. You may have the rest of the day off." The deep voice says again.

"Thank you sir. What about the girl?"

"What girl?"

"Brandon brought a girl too , we think she's one of Alex's hostages"

"Give her food or something then try to find out where she lives."

"Okay sir on it."

Where the fudge am I?

I sit up and find my arms and legs tied up to the bed. Okay. The room looks elegant, clean white walls , golden brown curtains and furniture , the bed is twice the bed I have at home. Straight ahead there's a small door that leads to the bathroom I think and next to it is a closet. I look at the clothes I have and they are definitely not what I was wearing when I left that dark place.

I struggle to get this ropes untied and stop when the door bursts open. A sly smirk comes from Brandon's face as he walks towards me with a tray on his hands.

"Good morning." He says while placing the tray next to me.

"Where am I?"

Brandon chuckles a bit before shaking his head. "Don't I get a good morning back?"

"I really want to go home." I say silently

"You'll go home after you've eaten and took a bath. Boss's orders.No offence but you stink" he smirks.

"Well that was offensive" I roll my eyes and stare at him blankly. "What did you mean by boss's order?"

"For a tiny girl , you ask too many questions."

"Why do you all keep calling me that." I whine

"Listen Tiny , I could stay here and have this wonderful conversation with you but I really need to get back to work. So please eat and go take a bath. There's the bathroom and you'll probably find something that can fit you in the closet. And don't take hours in there please." He winks and gets up the bed , heading to the door.


"What now?" He raises his eyebrow at me

"I'm tied up" I say looking down.

"Oh sorry , forgot about that" Brandon took out a pair of scissors from the drawer and cut the ropes off before exiting the room with no words said.

I look at the tray of food placed next to me. It's a bowl of banana slices , strawberries and oats. What type of breakfast is this? What time is it anyway? I eat the meal and head to the bathroom. I don't take too long because I'm afraid someone might enter while I'm still naked. After my bath , I head to the closet and find a pair of black leather boots , a very short leather skirt , a black bathing suit and a white coat. Awesome. I roll my eyes and start wearing them hence they're the only things in this entire big closet. Once done I look at myself in the mirror and sign.

 Once done I look at myself in the mirror and sign

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