Chapter eighteen

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New York City

"I'm glad you all finally stopped whatever you were doing and come partake to this meeting. It's such an honour." Nick sarcastically said.

"Are you going to tell us why we're here?" Lo said sounding bored.

Nick blankly stared at him before facing us all. What's up with this two?

"You are all expected to be packed up and ready in 30 minutes. We're relocating to New York City." He said

Wait what?

"WHAT?!!!" All the guys said excluding Jake.

"New York?! Are you out of your damn mind Nicklaus?!" Dennis said.

"Dennis you may be my cousin but trust me i will put a bullet through your head if you dare speak to me like that again." Nick said.

"Why New York? Do we have another threat?" Brandon now asked

"Threat? You guys had one before?" I ask

"Yes and it almost killed you and Nick at the Cafe back in Miami." Lo said


"That's beside the point. Why New York Nick?" Hunter said.

"I'm the boss , I call the shots. If you all don't agree with them then you are more than welcome to leave. Your choice." He said. The guys remained quiet but you could see that they're trying so hard to hold their anger. "Good now the reason being , Jake and Victoria are doing their senior year at High School and them being here and also claiming to be learning online , is just not it. So we all will be relocating to New York and another reason will be , I'm now fully in charge of the whole New York Mafia and I need to get some things straight there."

"So if we leave , who will be looking over things here?" Peter now says

"My father and mother will be the ones looking over things so I'm sure you all know that there's certainly nothing else to worry about."

"Are the twins coming too?" I ask.

"Yes Sunshine. They are. So any more questions? None? Good. You have 20 minutes to finish packing." Nick said and left the room.

"He surely can't be serious. Can he?" Dennis asked.

"He's Nick. And you heard him , he's the boss." Lo said rolling his eyes and also left. So long do the other guys , leaving only Jake and I.

"What do you think is the real reason is?" Jake asks

"I don't know but it's not good." I say


We arrived in New York in just a few hours and I couldn't help but feel my heart ache. Something about this place didn't feel right. Didn't feel safe. I gaze over to the guys and feel my heart ached even more. I took a deep breath and walked to Nick's car.

We arrived to his place in about ten minutes and everyone has been doing nothing but unpacking and decorating the place , while tidying up.

"I need some help around here!" I shout as I try to hang up some of Nick's and the twins' portraits.

Hunter and Brandon managed to hang the portraits up but they didn't look right.

"No! Not like , I'll do it." I say and climb up the ladder as I place the portraits in the right way.

"If you were able to do it then why did you ask for our help?" Brandon growled

"Well if you were helpful I wouldn't have done this on my own." I huff and step back down.

Fall For YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora