Chapter Twenty One

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Spa Date
Dennis' POV

I woke up this morning just like any other morning. Made my bed , took a bath , had breakfast then went to sit by the balcony to enjoy the fresh morning air. Just like expected , my mornings never end up good because every time I decide to rest , someone just decides to bless me with their annoying presence and this time it happened to be Victoria.

"Good Morning Dennis!!" She says cheerfully

"What do you want." I ask already feeling annoyed

"Get up from your chair and go change , we are leaving." She smiles

"Why do I have to change? Where are we going?"

"I voted today to be a pyjama day!!!" She cheers. "So go wear your pyjamas and you'll see where we will be going. Come on hurry up now."

"I really don't want too. And I don't know why you want me to wear my pyjamas. Why can't you just let me enjoy this morning for once." I sigh

"Boy you whine too much , come on go now." She says pulling me off the chair. When did she get that strong?

I went to change to into my pyjamas but only wore my green and black pyjama pants with a white v-neck shirt and white sleepers

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I went to change to into my pyjamas but only wore my green and black pyjama pants with a white v-neck shirt and white sleepers. Victoria wore a white vest , red and black pyjama shorts and white bunny sleepers. I have to admit , she can wear any outfit and still look pretty good.

We walk to Vee's car and started our journey to wherever she's taking me. I look at all the roads we passed and started feeling uneasy hence I was realising that I have no idea of the place she drove us too. We arrive to a hotel making me more curious about why Victoria would bring me here.

"Victoria what are we doing here?" I ask

"We're here for Spa treatment." She simply replied.

"You brought me all this way just for spa treatment worse in my pyjamas." I complain.

"Yeah , I had to make sure that you're comfortable." She replies

"I was already comfortable with the clothes I was wearing." I reply back

Vee just looked at me from head to toe then shook her head in disapproval , "No you looked like you were choking."

"What are we even going to do here?"

Vee grinned as we stepped out of the car and entered the hotel , "we will be floating in sensory deprivation tanks , micro needling , having Thai hot steam massages and facial."

"Yeah I'll pass , there's no way I'm doing that." I gag

"Come on , you guys are always tense , you deserve this and besides it's too late to cancel now. Come on." She says and grabs my hand and walking over to where we will be receiving our treatments.

We were guided to different rooms and as soon as the treatments began , I understood what Victoria was talking about. The sensory deprivation tanks really made me feel like I'm floating. I could feel my muscles relax , and all the pains I felt earlier were reduced , it was a bit odd at first but it turned out to be peaceful.

The micro needling was the worst. The pain was discomforting which was worse than the pain of a bullet wound. The Thai hot steam massages were incredible and I could feel all the tension I had releasing lastly the facials were my favourite. I never felt so cared for.

I met up with Victoria three hours after the sessions and I could see that she is pleased and relaxed too.

" did it go?" She asked smirking

"Fine you were right , that was the best time of my life. I never thought I'd spent more than an hour doing nothing and still enjoy it." I confess

"You see...I told you that you deserved this." She said happily. "Come on , I have one last place I want to take you too before we go back home."


"How the hell did you know that I love Chinese food?" I gasp as I'm looking at all the food that was placed in front of me.

"I'm pretty observant." Victoria says proudly.

"Why? Why did you choose me? The are like a hundred men in the house , why did you choose me." I ask

"If I'm being honest , you're my favourite.." she says and i scoff. " I'm telling you Denny , you're really my favourite. Out of all the guys back home , I'd rather get stuck in a submarine deep down in the ocean with you knowing exactly that you'll keep me sane." She says

"Well that's reassuring" i smirk. "But then again one has ever done something like this for me before." I mumble

"How about your previous partners?" She asks

"Yeah those weren't actually people I could call partners. They were people I just linked up with to get time moving." I confess. I'm not even proud of it.

"So you've never been in love with someone" she says sounding sad

"I mean what exactly is love to begin with?"

"Love , Danny , is that intense deep feeling of affection. The act of caring and giving let's not forget the act of selflessness. That butterfly feeling you have in your stomach when you're around the person whom you have the best interest and wellbeing for. The feeling of sadness and emptiness when that particular person is not around or near you. And the feeling of warmth when you touch or they smile." She says while holding my hands

"Fuck , I'm in love with Hunter." I whisper but unfortunately for me , Vee hears me then gasped.

"What?!" She exclaimed in shock and happiness.

"It's not what you think..." I say nervously

Vee just grinned and folded her arms. "Is it? Then what is it that you think I'm thinking?"

I groan loudly in defeated. "Please don't tell anyone. Hunter and I wanted to keep it as a secret."

"You both decided that or he decided that?" She asks

"He did but that's besides the point." I whine

"Then what is the point?"

"I...i...nope I'm done talking about this" I stutter

"Denny , it's okay to be involved with Hunter. It's pretty normal actually and if you ask me , you guys do make such a cute couple." She smirks evilly

"Please stop" I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Oh my gosh you're red!" She exclaims

"Please shut up" i whine

"You're extremely red." She smirks

"Shut...up." I growl

"Like actually vermilion." She grins

"Go to hell." I hiss at her making her laugh her ass off.

"You're cute Denny , you know that?" She says sipping on her drink

"I can't believe I broke all my rules for you today." I mumble.

"And that's why you love me." She grins happily.

I guess that's true


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