Chapter eleven

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Love is weakness
Nicklaus' POV

After Victoria knew about us , she started acting weird. She would occasionally be awfully quiet which is something she never does. At times she would work long hours at the Cafe or hide herself in her room just to get away from us. She has even started eating less than usual. She would get tense whenever she's near one of us and her behaviour raised some questions to the twins.

As I read the local newspaper , Victoria made her way downstairs , dressed in a yellow blouse , yellow shorts and white sneakers. Her hair was tied into a messy bun that made her look cute. I admit.

"Good Morning Nick." She said happily

What's her deal?

I clear my throat observing her , "Morning."

"Did you sleep well?" She asks while humming to a song

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She asked


I decide to ignore her and continue with my reading but failed due to her singing. It's not like she has a bad voice , in fact she sings beautifully , the problem is she's in a way too jolly mood today. Is it her birthday?

"Is it your birthday?" I ask.

Victoria stares at me for a bit before placing a plate of pancakes with syrup and strawberries in front of me. "No it's not."

I take a glance at her as she sat in front of me. "Ain't you eating?" She asked

I glance down to the pancakes and start to feel uneasy. What if she poisoned it? "Did you poison it?" I ask

"Nick if I wanted to kill you , I would have fed you to your own panther" she said giggling.

With that said she stood up and went to the living room where the guys were at. Just like me , they were all suspicious about Victoria's sudden change of mood and it was concerning.

"Jesus Victoria! Why are you so happy today?" I asked. I don't know why it's bothering me.

"The weather is good. The sky is clear. The birds are chirping. What's not to be happy about?" She grinned

"You acting weird." Dennis said.

I decide to tone them all out as I stroll through my Instagram. I stroll through more pictures before Victoria screamed.

"What? What happened?!!!!" The guys and I said at the same time

Victoria took my phone and strolled through it then gave it back to me. "The City's brand new Carnival opened today!" She exclaimed excitedly

"You almost gave us a heart attack just for that?" I sign frustrated

"Please can we go. I've always wanted to go to the carnival please Nick Please." Victoria begged.

"Calm your tits woman. We're going" I say.

"We are?!" The guys say in shock

"Yes let's go. I'll go get the twins ready"


Just as expected , Victoria went to all rides at the Carnival and even repeated some. She also went to the kids rides just to accommodate the twins.

"Can we get some Ice-cream?" She asked sweetly.

I hand her a 100 bucks and she took everyone's orders before we all went to the nearest booth at the ice cream shop and sat there.

"Does it taste good?" I ask Vee whose face was covered with chocolate ice-cream

"Mhmm" she hummed happily in response.

"Why ain't you asking if ours tastes good?" Brandon smirked

I give him a hard glare avoided to say anything harsh while the twins are earshot.

After our ice-cream break , Victoria and I took a walk around the Carnival while the others were busy trying to win some games.

"I cant seem to figure you out." I say

"Why say that" Vee said eyeing me.

"Most times you're happy and loving then most times you're handful and stubborn. It's exhausting." I say

"Okay firstly , I'm not stubborn. I'm realistic." She stated.

"That's what stubborn people usually say" I smirk. Vee grins before hitting my shoulder softly

"Let's just say , someone taught me that life is two sided. And what you just described is what my life looks like."

"I have a feeling you weren't always like this." I say

"That's what love will do to you. I'm done with that department." She said with a small smile on her face

"So you saying you don't want to be in love again. Or want any guy in life"

"My mother always told me that a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." She said

"But a fish doesn't need a bicycle."

"Exactly. I don't need a man to love me when I can just love myself." She grinned before tackling Lorenzo into a hug.

I'll fix you Vee. Just give me some time.


Later that day , Vee went to put the twins to sleep and said something about binge watching Gossip Girls. I decided to excuse myself and headed for the basement after being told that one of our men was a mole. Idiot.

"What does he want?" I ask slowly picking up one of my longest dull knives.

"Your girl! He wants your girl!" He cries.

I stop dead in my tracks , looking at him confused.

"My what now?" I ask. He then takes a deep breath and avoids making eye contact with me.

"That brown-haired short girl you were with at the Cafe , a few days ago" he says

Brown haired short....he wouldn't. "VICTORIA?!!!!" I yell felling anger rise in me once again.

I exit the basement feeling heated and enter my office downing all my whiskey.

"What did he say?" Brandon asked

"They're after Victoria!" I say slamming the table.

Brandon and Lorenzo exchange looks making me suspicious.

"What? What is it?" I ask

"You have a thing for Victoria don't you?" Lo smirks

"A thing?" I say raising an eyebrow

"You like Victoria" Brandon now grins.

"I dont like her. I tolerate her. Besides , love is weakness."

"Whatever you say man" Lo says standing up

"It's a good thing for you." Brandon smiles before they both head out my office.

I don't like her. That's final.


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