Chapter Ten

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Wearing a very short leather skirt , black lacy bra and black boots , I let my hair loose and apply lip gloss before making my way downstairs.

"What the fuck Victoria?!" Nick exclaimed

"What?" I ask in a bored tone.

"You can't be walking here dressed like that around hundred men. Go change now!"

"You ain't the boss of me Nick." I scoff

Nick was about to answer when some blond girl came in and walked like she owns the place. I give her a run over , she's about 5'3 , blonde , she was wearing an outfit similar to mine but her's was in red and her skirt was way shorter than mine and was lacy too.

"Good morning everyone" she cheers revealing her white teeth.

All the guys groan and mumble a hello. I turn my gaze to Nick who seemed extremely pissed and gave this girl the most hardest glare. He must really hate her cause not even I get that same glare from him.

"What do want here Vanessa?" Nick said in gritted teeth.


"Is it a crime to see my kids?" She said.

Kids? There's no way she's "the" Vanessa

"Who the fuck is this?" I hear her say. I turn my gaze to her and find her giving me a glare.

"None of your business. Why are you here?" Nick said

"You think you can replace me?! I am the mother of those kids! Not this bitch!" Vanessa said in hatred.

"Mind your words Vanessa , I would hate to chase you out again like last time." Brandon now spoke up.

"Oh so you're all protecting her. Im a diamond compared to her." She said

"Even a diamond can be shattered." I said a little bit too loud.

"Oh you're the talkative kind" Vanessa said walking towards me. Hunter and Dennis stood in front of me but i slightly moved them aside.

"Does that seem to bother you?" I ask kindly

She then laughed and not the cute type of laugh. "Oh my goodness , Nick I knew you weren't over me but for you to dress your hoe like me that's hilarious. But darling there can only be one me. So what? If we get back together you will expect me to be like her oh come on Nicky."

"Vanessa , sweetie , there's no competition , trust me. Respectfully you can never be me. Disrespectfully , I would never want to be you , so save yourself the embarrassment, you ain't that hot my dear." I say calmly making the boys laugh even NICK!!!! "Now if you may excuse me , I'm late for work."

I walk out the house and start walking to the Cafe. I arrived approximately in 15 minutes and found the Cafe full. I start preparing all the orders and serving them to different tables. About four hours later , the Cafe was now quiet which gave me time to finally sit down and eat. As I headed to Kitchen , I hear the bell of door and sign as I head back to the counter.

My face quickly deepens when I see Nick standing by the counter , being all mighty.

"Finally had enough of your girlfriend." I say in a bored tone

Nick chuckles before his eyes met mine. "Don't insult me like that Sunshine"

"Sunshine? We giving each other nicknames now?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It suits you." He smiles. He's acting weird

"So what do you want? Coffee , tea..." I said

"How about you?" Nick said wearing his cute stupid smirk.

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