Chapter Eight

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The deal

Nick's cafe wasn't internally that bad in fact it is cosy , cute and warm , which is definitely the opposite of him.

The walls are tiled in military green and cream white. It has at least 10 small round tables with two seats each and also has 6 sitting booths. Each corner had a cute small plant occupying it and at the far back are the restrooms. Which are surprisingly clean. The whole Cafe is.

I was working as a register , taking orders and making coffee. I'm not complaining much because I'm getting a huge amount from it.

I clean the counter and prepare the coffee machine just as the guys came in. Peter has this huge grin on his face , Lo had an annoyed expression , Hunter and Brandon were barking at each other about something and Nick...well he was being Nick. Same old bored expression as if nothing excites him.

"Hey Tori!" Peter cheers while kissing the back of my hand.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Good question. You should ask Nick , he forced us all to come." Lorenzo blankly said while walking to one of the booths.

"I see...well what can I get you guys?" I ask trying to sound professional

"Just five black coffees with chocolate donuts" Peter said

"And whipped cream with sprinkles and cherries" Brandon yelled

"No! No more!" Hunter said "You need help"

"You're horrible!" Brandon yelled.

"You're obsessed , you got whipped cream problems!" Hunter yelled back.

With that said they continued with their arguement while taking a seat next to Lorenzo who looked like he was ready to kill. I turn my gaze to Peter who just shrugs with a smile and walks away , leaving me alone with a hard glare from Nick.


"Hey Nick." I said politely.

Silence. Was all i got. SILENCE! And he had the audacity to walk away from me. I sign in defeat and go prepare their order. Why do i even bother with Nick?

As soon as their order was done , i walked towards to their booth only to bump into someone making the tray i was holding to fall down.

"Oh my God , im so sorry." The handsome guy said as he helped me pick up all the wasted donuts and broken mugs from the floor.

"No it's okay. I wasn't looking at where I was walking." I say softly.

"I apologise again. Can I pay for the mess?"

"No no you don't have too it's..." I said before being interrupted.

"That's bullshit!" Nick growled. Like literally growled. "Do you have any idea how long we waited for that order?!"

"It was only 5 minutes'' Brandon said

"shut up before I make you'' Nick said giving him a glare. "You will pay for your clumsiness and you will pay for the mess you made. This cafe wasn't cleaned only for scumbags like you to come and mess it up. Then from there , I don't want to see your face here again , are we clear?!''

"y-y-yes , i-i-i promise. I'm sorry'' the guy said before handing me a stash of money and ran away.

As soon as the guy exited the door , I turned to Nick and hit his chest as hard as I could and he didn't even budge. Asshole. "What was that for?!'' I yelled.

"I don't like when people mess my place up.'' Nick said not even feeling affected by the fact that I hit him.

"It was an accident Nick! And he was going pay for it!'' I yelled.

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