Chapter 7

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I just stood there blinking rapidly as I looked over the kitchen before I sighed dramatically.

"Why" I whined

We had finished baking an hour ago and Yul had left taking the cookies with him, I was left alone and I didn't do anything but stand and look at the mess.

There was flower everywhere along with a tone of other ingredients, I huffed as I started to clean.

I stopped when I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Uk, I tilted my head.

"Do you need something?" I questioned

"No I was just passing by and thought I check on you"

"Mhm as you can see I'm doing just great" I said with sarcasm

"I see that do you want me to help?" He asked

"No" I quickly said

He rose an eyebrow before turning around, he went to open the door but I quickly grab his hand and pulled it back.

"I mean yes I need your help" I spoke looking anywhere but his face

He chuckled as he got his hand out of my grip and started to clean, we made casual conversation.



"Have you been able to see Mu-deok yet?" I asked

"Yah I was able to get her down and I was able to get us both treated by Master Hoe though it took me pleading to Master Jin" he said

I looked at him and nodded

"You should get some rest"

"I will after I talk to Mu-deok about training me"

I looked at him snickered

"What so funny"

"Oh just the fact that you think Mu-deok is gonna be easy on you during training Jang Uk take it from me as someone who has trained with her since I was a child it takes a lot of work and effort to keep up" I told him

"I'm welling to out in the effort and work besides she's in a different body and she seems to be weaker then normal so maybe she won't be as tough"

I clicked my tongue

"Maybe or she may be even tougher it all really depends"

He didn't say anything else as we cleaned, once done I was exhausted so I made my way up to my room slowly. For the first time in about two days I collapsed onto my bed not bothering to get changed or anything and just passed out.

Time Skip

I watched the two in front of me as they argued back and forth

"I have more stamina then you" Mu-deok stated

"Oh yah prove it" Uk said

She started running around on top of the rock to show how much stamina she had but she soon feel to the ground groaning.

"Mu-deok are you okay" I asked as I ran and knelt down besides her

"Yah just cramps" she said

I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing which failed

"What are you laughing at this isn't funny" she scolded

"But it is because now I know I can out run you with out worrying about you catching up" I told her as I continued to laugh

I only stopped when she hit me on top of my head

"Hey that hurt"

"I know"

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