Chapter 42

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"Hello how may I help you" the woman spoke as she smiled at me

I gave her a small one back as I walked to the counter

"I have a meeting with doctor Minjun"

She nodded

"Follow me"

She turned and lead me down the hallway, after a few seconds she came to a stop at a door.

"Doctor Minjun" she spoke as she knocked on the door

I sighed softly not paying attention to what she said as I scanned the hall wondering how many people there were and if they would be able to hear.

"You can go in" she told me

I nodded as I walked in


I looked at the man and smirked softly


He looked at me as he sat down

"What seems to be troubling you?" He questioned

I walked over and joined him, I looked at him for a few moments before I slipped the paper out of my sleeve and slid it to him. He looked at me then at the paper confused as he grabbed it, he slowly opened it and read it over.

"How do you have this" he asked as he placed it down

"Found it among my mothers things" I say as I look at my nails

He narrowed his eyes at me, but as he was about to stand up I quickly pull my dagger from my belt and leaned over the table and held it to his neck.

"Not so fast" I told him

He looked at me as he gulped softly

"Who exactly are you" he questioned

"Y/n L/n"

He eyes widen

"Impossible" he muttered

I looked him in the eyes as he scanned my face

"How much did she pay you" I ask

He was taken back


I grunted

"How much did she pay you" I spat

"She didn't pay me anything" he said as he glared at me

I tilt my head as I put more pressure on the dagger

"Really because your the one who prescribed my father the poison" I told him

He shook his head lightly

"I have never killed any of my patients on purpose" he denied

"Think carefully" I whisper lowly as I put more pressure on the dagger

He gulped again as he glanced at the paper, as the minutes passed by I was grew more impatient.

"How much did she pay you" I snapped

"I-I don't remember"

"Lair" I spat

His eyes widen slightly as I softly dragged the dagger across his neck.

"How much" I repeated

He closed his eyes as he clenched his fist

"Nearly two million" he said

I smiled as I removed the dagger and sitting back down as I slipped it back into my belt.

"Was that so hard?" I asked as I smiled at him

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