Chapter 8

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I was bored so I went to the library, when I walked in I saw Dang-gu and Mu-deok hiding behind a bookshelf while Uk stood behind them with a displeased look.

I walked over and put my head on Dang-gu's shoulder and blew his ear before I quickly backed away.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

Dang-gu brought his finger to his mouth signaling me to be quiet

"Can you tell me what your doing" I whispered

"Mu-deok likes Yul so I'm trying to help her confess" he told me

I looked at her

"I thought you had feelings for-" I couldn't finish since Mu-deok put her hand over my mouth

I glared at her and when she didn't move her hand I licked it, she quickly took it away and shook it with a disgusted look.

"Did you just seriously lick my hand" she asked

I nodded with a goofy smile on my face

"Next time don't cover my mouth nor cut me off when I'm speaking" I told her

She grumbled before she turned back around only to see Yul no longer there

"Where did he go" Dang-gu spoke

"What are you guys doing?"

We all turned to the voice and saw Yul standing there with books in his hand rather confused, I stood there and looked at Mu-deok who was trying to come up with something but failing, I then looked at Dang-gu and saw him just standing there with a smirk.

"We where looking for some books to read" I said suddenly

'That's a stupid lie I could of came up with a better one'

"Oh and it takes all three of you?" He questioned

I quickly nodded as I threw my arms over Uk and Dang-gus shoulders

"Yup you know how they are there very indecisive so me and Mu-deok said we would help" I told him

He stood there for a few seconds not moving or saying anything and I thought he didn't believe use until he slowly nodded.

"Alright then I'll leave you guys to it" he spoke

He started walking away and Dang-gu quickly looked at Mu-deok

"Wait Yul Mu-deok want to help" Dang-gu said

Mu-deok looked at him with a hard glare and mumbled something under her breath which I could only guess was cruses.

"If she wants to I don't mind" Yul said as he looked over his shoulder

He once again started walking but this time Dang-gu pushed Mu-deok towards him and motioned for her to follow, I made eye contact with her and slowly nodded making her grumble and turn around to catch up with Yul.

"Well boys I have things to do so I'll be leaving" I said

"Yah and what's that sleeping" Uk spoke

I looked at him with a smile

"You know it" I said with a light laugh as I turned and left

I walked to my room and looked down the hall then closed the door, I leaned my sword against the wall as I sat down on my bed and grabbing the scroll I had taken about the ice stone.

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