Chapter 18

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Once I walked through the gate I saw the familiar blond hair, I quickly ran towards him and jumped up onto his back. He shouted in protest but held me up, he looked over his shoulder and looked at me.

"Can you stop doing that" he said

I giggled as I put my chin on his shoulder

"No~" I sang out

He groaned but continued to walk

"Did you get heavier?" He questioned

I slapped the back of his head causing him to whine

"What have I told you about asking a women about her weight" I spoke

"I'm sorry" he whined

I jumped down and walked by his side

"Where's Yul?" I questioned

"Oh he went to the library"

I hummed as I started walking backwards

"He's such a nerd" I joked

Dang-gu huffed before chuckling

"Your gonna fall"

"Am not" I augured

"Are to"

"Am no-" I was cut off when I tripped over something and fell on my butt

I groaned as Dang-gu bursted into laughter, he held his stomach as tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"It's not that funny" I deadpanned

"" he said between breaths

I glared as I stood up, I dusted myself off as he caught his breath.

"You just have a bad sense of humor" I spoke

He gasped as he put his hand over his heart

"I am offended" he said

I grinned

"You should be" I told him as I patted his shoulder

He looked at me before laughing again, I crossed my arms and huffed.

"What is it this time?" I questioned

"I never noticed how much shorter you are then me" he told me with another chuckle

My eye twitched

"Dang-gu what have I told you about picking on me for my height" I asked

His eyes widen

"Not to do it" he mumble

"Huh what was that I couldn't hear you" I asked as I brought my hand up to my ear

"Not to do it" he repeated louder

I smiled and nodded

"Good job now I get one free hit" I told him with a grin

"No you don't you don't just hit you slap like really hard it hurts" he told me frantically

"Good that's the point" I told him lazily

I brought my hand up but before I could bring it down to hit him he bolted, I grunted as I watched him run wondering if I should go after him. After a few moments I shrugged and walked the other way heading towards my room.

'I'll just slap him later when he isn't paying attention' I told myself making a mental note

When I got to my room I slide open the door, I walked in and closed it. I leaned my sword against the wall and walked over to my desk, I went to grab a book but something caught my attention. I looked over and saw a folded piece of paper, I narrowed my eyes as I grabbed it. I slowly unfolded it being carefully not to rip it, I walked over to the only candle I had lit in my room.

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