Chapter 16

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I groaned as I rolled over

"Come in" I spoke

The door opened to reveal a mage

"Can I help you" I asked putting my arm over my eyes

"Park Jin has asked to see you" he spoke

"Great tell him I'll be down in two to three hours" I grumbled

"He wants to see you now"

I groaned as I sat up, I ran a hand through my hair to try and tame it.

"Fine I'll be down" I said as I waved my hand

He bowed slightly and walked out, I slowly stood up and changed my clothes. I grabbed my brush and quickly brushed through my hair, once I was done I just left it down.

I picked up my sword and walked out of my room being blinded by the sunlight.

"Today was supposed to be my day off" I grumbled

I walked down the stairs and over to where Park Jin was, I reached the door and opened it.

"I hope this is gonna be worth my time because you distributed my sleep" I spoke as I walked in

"Good to see your here Y/n" Jin said

I looked at him before looking around the room seeing a group of people

"And there goes my day" I mumbled after seeing my sister

I walked over to Jin and quickly bowed before standing besides him

"What was the point of calling me down?" I questioned

"Because you weren't doing anything"

"I was"

"And what was it"

"I was sleeping and you disturbed it" I grumbled

He rolled his eyes before turning back to the group, they started talking while I zoned out. I looked around before walking over to a cabinet, I opened it and grabbed a rag. I pulled my sword out of the protector and started to wipe the blade down.

"Y/n" Jin yelled snapping me out of my thoughts

I looked at him with a bored look

"Yes?" I asked

"I want you to show them around songrim"

I looked at my sister and grimaced, I put my sword back in its protector and stood up.

"No can do"

"And why is that?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow

'Shit shit think of something'

"The crown prince asked for me to meet him at Chwiseollu yesterday" I spoke

"What for"

"We have something important to discuss" I lied

Jin looked at me with narrowed eyes before nodding

"Alright then you better be on your way"

I smiled at him

I glanced at my sister and saw her glaring at me, I then turned to Jin again.

"One question"


"When is Dang-gu and Yul returning?" I asked

"They should be returning today along with Uk and Mu-deok"

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