Chapter 35

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It was a quiet day and since I didn't really have anything planned I decided to go out into town and walk around maybe buy somethings.

"What are you doing~"

I sighed quietly as I glanced at Chul who had come out of nowhere

"Going for a walk and looking for stuff to buy" I told him stoically

He hummed

"Sounds fun!" He told me as he clapped his hands

"I never said you could join" I told him

"Please let me join" he begged

I thought for a few moments before I smirked lightly

"Sure you can join" I told him

He smiled brightly

"You can go and find these for me?" I asked as I handed him the list maidservant Kim had handed me earlier

His smile dropped as he read over the list, when he saw how long it was his shoulders slumped.

"I walked right into that one" he muttered

I chuckled lightly

"Thank you so much for the help now goodbye" I told him as I quickly ran off

'Now let's go see if the ice stone has been moved'

I made my way towards Cheonbugwan which took an hour. Once I got there I snuck into the tunnel and quietly walked down it, I came to a stop when I heard voices making me tilt my head, I step back into the shadows using them to hide me. I continued until I could get a good view, I narrowed my eyes when I saw Jin Mu along with Cho-yeons father along with the girl Yul had saved.

"Now what's this" I mumbled interested

"You will go by Jin Bu-Yeon as of now So-I which means we now need to give you a series of tests and make a few alterations to your body" Jin Mu spoke

I smirked as I turned and walked out of the tunnel, once I was farther away I turned and headed back.

"Now this will be interesting indeed" I mumbled knowing I could use this as blackmail

As I was walking back I was wonder if I should put my black dove outfit back on and just show up, maybe it would startle Jin Mu but then again knowing him he would try and figure out my identity.

Once I got back I didn't have any time to greet anyone seeing as I got dragged away.

"Mu-deok" I whispered shouted out of surprise seeing as she's never done that

"Y/n help me!" She basically shouted

I quickly covered my ears as I winced

"Well first let's use our inside voices" I told her

She sighed as she crossed her arms

"Please help me" she whined

I rose an eyebrow

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I messed up" she said frantically as she ran her hands through her hair

I deadpanned as I looked at her

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