Chapter 14

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I groaned as I woke up with a headache, I looked around and saw I was in my room.

"How did I get here" I mumbled

I felt something move beneath me which startled me, I rolled off my bed causing me to grunt, I stood up immediately become dizzy. I looked and saw Yul, he looked back at me and we just looked at each other not saying anything.

"Why are you in my bed actually why are you in my room" I asked my voice going up an octave

He sat up and ran his hand through his hair before down his face

"You got drunk last night so I brought you home and when I went to leave your room you pulled me back into the bed and well yah" he said as he stood up

My eyes widen in shock

'I've never done that before'

I did a ninety degree bow

"I'm sorry Yul" I said

"It's alright"

He stood up and walked to the door, he waved before he walked out. I stood there for a few seconds before I fell backwards onto my bed. I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the headache but to no avail, I groaned as I stood up and changed my clothes, I grabbed my sword and walked out. I walked down the hall before I took a turn and went to the library, I grabbed a book and sat down at a table.

I scammed through it but soon I zoned out as thoughts raced through my head.

'Why did I fall asleep on Yul?'

That thought keep repeating over and over again, I groaned as I slammed my head onto the table causing a thud, I groaned and sat up again.

"Maybe I should go see Mu-deok" I mumbled

I stood up and put the book away leaving the library, I returned to my room and packed a small bag. I threw it over my shoulder before leaving, I walked down the path and left songrim completely.

I soon reached the dock and bought my own boat to get me to where they were, I sat on the front as the wind blew through my hair making a small smile appear.

Time Skip

I walked down the path coming to a stop when I saw the familiar figure, I walked up and jumped onto her back causing her to yelp in surprise.

"What the hell Y/n" she said as she pushed me off

I landed on the ground with a thud as I started laughing, I looked up and saw her glaring down at me. I stood up and rubbed the back of my head as I looked around seeing a small house.

"I thought the house got destroyed" I said

"This man built it and has been living here ever since and he has a dog that has the spirit of Gwigu in its body" she explained

I nodded slowly as we walked back, I came to a stop as I glared at the older man's back.

"Let's go Y/n dinners almost ready" Mu-deok said as she grabbed my hand

I didn't move

"What it is" she asked seeing my glare

"That man knows me" I told her

"And by know you mean what excalty?" She questioned

"I mean he knows I'm the black dove I ran into him a while back after I had killed some assassin" I told her

She gritted her teeth before she huffed and rubbed her temple

"And you didn't kill him" she said

"He was innocent at least I think he is but that's not the point he was a by stander and I don't kill innocent people" I told her

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