Chapter 21

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"I'm sorry but she can not enter" a guard spoke

I looked at her as I sensed a familiar energy inside making me smirk.

"I'm crown prince's Go Wons fiancé he asked that I come here with him" I lied

'Why just why do I come up with the lamest lie's possible not to mention far fetched ones' I mentally scolded myself for how stupid that lie was

She looked at me and tilted her head

"Oh really and where's the proof" she asked

'Shit I'm screwed'

Then I remember that I had a ring that he bought along with all the other jewelry from a few days ago that I happened to be wearing. I brought my hand up and took the ring off and handed it to her, I pointed inside the band as I smiled.

"As you can see it's engraved with his highness initials" I said

Her eyes widen as she quickly handed me back the ring, I slid it onto my ring finger.

"I'm sorry please come in" she spoke

I nodded as me and Uk walked in, I ignored the look he was giving as we walked down the path. We walked up a few steps before we stopped, I looked at the table and saw Yul along with Won and Cho-yeon and her mother.

"What is she doing her I asked for Jang Uk only not for another mage from songrim" miss Jin said in anger

"I'm sorry madam but she's the crown prince's fiancé and he asked for her presence" the guard spoke

I quickly looked over to Won who had a perplexed look as he looked at me, I gave him a pleading look.

"Is this true your highness"

Won stayed silent for a moment before humming

"Yes it is sorry I didn't tell your earlier it slipped my mind" he spoke

I let out a small breath of relief before I walked over and stood next to where he sat. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, I simple smiled at him.

"What am I here for" Uk asked looking at miss Jin

"Your maid Mu-deok has stolen the yin-yang jade" she spoke

I narrowed my eyes at her, I went to walked forward but Won grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"How do you know she's the one that stole the jade?" Uk asked

"Because she was the only one who had the box's when she entered Jinyowon not only that but she has disappeared" she said as she stood up

I grunted

"Mu-deok didn't steal it" I spoke

"And how do you know that" she questioned me with a challenge look

"Because Mu-deok would never steal something so useless not to mention worthless to her" I said as I crossed my arms

"How dare you insult the yin-yang jade that jade is a priceless relic and holds great power" she shouted at me

"I'm just saying that jade means absolutely nothing to her" I said

Miss Jin glared at me

"Then explain why the jade is gone and so is
Mu-deok" she questioned

I shrugged

"No clue maybe she ended up in the relic room" I told her

"Impossible only those with my blood can enter"

The black dove जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें