Chapter 41

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I stood outside the door debating if I truly wanted to knock or if I should just leave. However my body went acted on it own as my fist made contact with the door, it only took a few seconds for the door to be open. I was meet with a woman who smiled kindly as me, I gave her a smile back hoping it looked just as kind.

"How can I help you" she asked

"I would like to speak to the crown prince"

She gave me a perplexed look

"I'm sorry he hadn't informed me he was meeting anyone" she said

"He didn't ask to see me I came here on my own since I have something important to talk to him about"

She hummed

"Give me one moment"

With that she shut the door, it only took a few minutes for her to come back.

"Follow me"

She stepped to the side so I could enter, once I did she closed the door. I follow her down the stone path and into a room, she motioned for me to sit.

"His highness will be right in" she told me as she gave me a small bow

With that she walked out

I looked around the room sighing softly wondering if this was really a good idea.

"How can I be of assistance"

I turned to the voice seeing the crown prince, his eyes widen as confusion spread a-crossed his face.

"Leave us" he said to the few people who followed in

They all bowed and quickly left, he walked over and sat in front of me.

"Sorry for  coming uninvited" I say

He looks as me as he hums

"Don't worry about it now what is the reason you came here" he asked

Though he played it off I knew I had caught him off guard with randomly showing up with out sending word before hand.

I licked my lips as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Is it possible if you can get a place for me to stay" I questioned

He looked at me highly confused

"Why would you need a place to stay?" He asked

"Can you get me a place to stay or not" I repeated

He sighed as he hummed

"There's a place I know of"

I nodded as he told me where it was

"Thanks Hajime" I say as I stand up

I bow slightly before I turned and left, it took twenty minutes to get back to Songrim to which on the whole walk back my brain was filled with a tone of thoughts.

Once I was in my room I leaned against the wall for support as I put my head in my hands.

"Even now I can't seem to be strong enough" I mumbled as I looked around my room

I walked forward swaying slightly, I only got halfway to my desk as my knees buckled. I growled in frustration as I wiped my eyes trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I need to be strong" I whisper to myself

I clenched my fist hard, I placed my fists on the ground and pushed myself up. I walked over to my desk grabbing a piece of paper and quickly writing a note, I folded it and placed it neatly underneath the candle. Once I was done I walked over and grabbed my sword walking out of my room going to find Master Park.

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