Chapter 37

376 15 7

3rd pov

A woman sat in a chair her feet up on the table as she picked at her nails with her dagger, she looked up when she heard the door open.

When the door opened fully it revealed a man who looked to be in his late fifties, he looked at the woman slightly taken aback.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house"

"We both know this isn't your house" she spoke stoically

The man narrowed his eyes at her

Y/n's pov

I looked up at him with cold eyes as I stood up, I twisted my dagger in my hands before I brought my hand up and slammed it down. My dagger being imbedded into the wood of his desk, I walked forward as I tilted my head.

I walked towards him before I started to circle him.

"Leave my house or else you'll regret it" he told me as he watched me

I smirked as I stopped in front of him

"I would be careful I wouldn't want anything to happen to your pretty little mistress" I told him with a low chuckle

His eyes widen slightly before he narrowed them

"Your just a weak woman you can't do shit" he somewhat shouted

"Well this weak woman is someone you don't want to mess with" I told him

He grunted as he bawled his fist, he ran forward and tried to punch me. I stepped to the side and stuck my foot out tripping him, he slammed into the ground sliding into a table. The vase that sat on the table crashed to the floor, he grunted as he stood up and ran at me again.

I groaned as I grabbed his arms and pulled him into me before slamming my knee into his gut, I released my grip on him as he fell to the ground.

I perked up when I heard a door from down the hall open.

"Oh seems like the mistress has woken up" I told him with a smirk

"Ae-cha ru-" he started to shout before I quickly covered his mouth with my hand

I watched as she walked out her eyes widening when she saw him on the ground.

"Get away from him!" She shouted

She ran forward and shoved me hard, I let myself fall. I smiled lightly as I stood up watching as she helped him up, I walked back over to the desk and pulled my dagger from where I had imbedded it into the wood.

"Ae-cha you need to get out of here" he told her

"N-No I can't leave you" she told him stuttering slightly

"I can handle myself after all shes a weak petite woman" he told her

I smirked as I walked towards them my footsteps silent, once I reached them I grabbed a handful of her hair and harshly pulled her up. She started to struggled against me as she screamed to be let go, I walked backwards slightly before I brought my dagger up and held it at her neck.

"If you move your died" I whispered harshly in her ear

She gulped as she looked at him with pleading eyes

"Let her go!" He shouted

I chuckled

"If you tell me what I want to know" I told him

He grunted

"What do you want to know" he asked as he started walking towards me

"Not so fast Ha-Joon let me go over a few things first" I said bring the dagger closer

The black dove Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon