Chapter 31

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"Would you stop moping around" I asked as I glanced at Chul who was slumped forward

"This is taking forever" he whined

"I never said it was gonna be quick" I snapped

He huffed as he stood up straight with a blank look on his face.

"I didn't expect for it to take this long though" he said as he looked around

I didn't respond as I continued walking

"Hey where even are we?" Chul questioned

I looked around before looking at him

"Where about a mile away from Songrim" I told him

He groaned as he once again slumped his shoulders, I rolled my eyes as I came to a stop at a jewelry cart.

"Hello how can I help you today?" The older woman said with a kind smile

"I was wondering if you ever seen or heard of this necklace" I said as I put the paper with the picture in front of her

She looked down at it for a few moments before she looked up at me.

"And why are you looking for it?" She asked

"I'm getting it as a gift for my sister" I told her with a fake smile

She hummed as she glanced back down at the necklace

"Well I'm sorry to tell you but this necklace is owned by someone" she told me

I hummed

"Just wondering who owns it?" Chul asked as he tilted his head

She looked at me

"Some nobel family that no one really likes" she said with a grimace

"Why?" I questioned

"They brag about there wealth and everything they own" she said as she moved some rings

I hummed

"Do you happen to know there name" Chul questioned with a raised eyebrow

"Why are you so curious about them" she asked as she looked at us with a questioning gaze

"Sorry he gets a little carried away thank you for the information" I told her as I quickly bowed

I grab the picture and shoved it into my sleeve before I grabbed Chul's arm and pulled him away, I looked around before I spotted an empty street.

"Seriously" I muttered as I gritted my teeth

Chul looked down at me with boredom

"Calm down" he told me

I looked at him with a hard glare

"Think of it this way Y/n if it's owned by a nobel family then that means your sister can't get a hold of it" he said lazily

"I guess your right which means it's not of importance anymore" I lied

'That was a shit lie there's no way he believed that'

He smiled at me as he patted my shoulder to which I shoved off.

'And he believed it' I thought holding back a glare

"Oh come on" he whined

"Stop pouting"

He sighed as he walked in front of me

"What are you doing?" I questioned

He smirked as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip, he brought himself closer to my face leaving only a few inches in between us.

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