Chapter 34

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I looked at the man in front of me with a look of confusion and concern as my brain tried to process what he just said.

"Huh?" I blurted

"Were you not listening?" Chul questioned as he looked at me with narrowed eyes

I sighed as I rubbed my temple feeling a headache forming

"No I was listening Chul it's just well it was very confusing" I told him as I lazily looked up at him from where I sat

He looked at me with a look of offense making me mentally groan at the fact he was being dramatic.

"And what part was confusing exactly?" Chul questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest as he raised one eyebrow

I stay silent for a moment as I just looked at him

"Um well all of it" I told him bluntly

He grunted as he sat down on the chair

"How was it confusing"

"You spoke way to fast it all jumbled together" I said

"Then let me say it again" he said speaking slowly

I groaned as I slumped slightly knowing that even if I told him not to speak like this he would do it anyways.

"I should become a mage in Songrim"

I deadpanned as I thought over what he said earlier

"That's not what you said" I told him as I looked at him blankly

He shrugged as he grinned

"No but repeating it would be to much of a hassle" he said as he waved his hand dismissively

I rolled my eyes

"So what do you think!"

"Why exactly do you want to be a mage?" I questioned

He hummed

"Well for one I wouldn't have to sneak into your room nor Songrim anymore and it means I can see you everyday!" He said somewhat shouting the last bit

I grimaced at the thought of him being around everyday.

"Um no"

"Why not" he whined


"That's not an answer"

I sighed as I shook my head

"Look that's not a good reason to become a mage at Songrim Chul" I told him

He chuckled as he shook his head

"Alright in all seriousness it would be easier for us to meet up more often plus then there wouldn't be anymore sneaking in or worrying about getting caught" he said showing no signs of fooling around

I hummed as I licked my lips

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath processing what he said.

I knew he was right, that if he did in fact became a mage in Songrim it would be way easier to meet up and such.

"Apply to become a mage in Songrim I can't promise you'll get in or anything because of how many people want in" I told him

He nodded as he glanced out the window

"We'll have to cut this discussion short I have somethings to do" he told me as he stood up

I nodded as I stood up as well

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