Chapter 24

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The sadness that she felt that night slowly turned into anger and resentment as time passed, the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and the months into years. Yet she never heard any word from her mother or her sister, she was truly abandoned by her mother at the age of seven.

When she was nine she met a small girl named Cho Yeong, they connected right away weather it was because they had almost the same past with the difference being Cho Yeongs parents where killed while hers just abandoned her, but they also shared one common thing and that was to take revenge.

Cho Yeong hated the mages since they where the ones who killed her parents while Y/n hated her mother and her older sister and would do anything to get revenge.

Y/n didn't want to get revenge by killing though that was an option at the beginning, but she choose to prove her mother wrong and become the priestess that was foretold would be born into there family. She would find the ice stone no matter how long it took and connect her energy to it.

I shot up as I gasped, I brought my hands to my head before I looked blankly at the wall.

Why was I getting all of these flashbacks and why now, out of all times it has to be now. I groaned as I shook my head to silence my thoughts. I stood up and grabbed my sword and walked towards the door, I opened it and froze seeing the four of them standing there.

"Oh your awake" Dang-gu said shocked

"Yah and what's with all of your shocked faces?" I asked as I glanced at the other three

"Well um-" Uk was cut off my Mu-deok elbowing him hard in the ribs

"Shut your month" she said through gritted teeth

"Ow that hurt" Uk whined as he rubbed his side

I looked at them with narrowed eyes

"Tell me" I said

They all looked at each other before glancing at me uneasily before looking back at each other.

"Well you were kinda talking in your sleep" Yul spoke

"What do you mean?" I asked

They all gulped and looked at Mu-deok, she huffed before she pushed the three of them away. Once she came back she walked into the room and shut the door, she stay silent for a few minutes.

"Y/n you were having a flashback weren't you" she asked softly

I stayed silent as I looked away from her


"You were yelling for your mother" she told me

I looked back at her but didn't say anything

"And when you were yelling for your mother you were crying"

I bit my lip as I clenched and unclenched my fist

"They saw it didn't they" I asked

She nodded slowly

"I was in here sitting with you and then when you started yelling the three of them ran in here thinking you where in danger" she told me softly

I hummed

The room fell silent as we both stood there just looking at one another, we didn't need to speak to know how we both felt. I knew Mu-deok was worried for me and I knew that when I was yelling for my mother she felt hopeless and lost not knowing what to do.

"Y/n why didn't you tell me you where getting flashbacks again" she questioned

I shrugged

"I don't know honestly I don't even know why I'm getting them maybe it has something to do with Mi-sun showing up" I mumbled

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