Chapter 12

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"Ow!" I shouted

I turned around and glared at Dang-gu, he froze in place as his face paled. Yul chuckled a bit as he looked at him before he walked and picked up the apple that was thrown and hit the back of my head.

"What was that for" I asked

He gulped as he played with his hand

"Well I didn't me to hit you I meant to throw it past you because why would I want to hit you I never would I was dared to do so" he rapidly spoke

I stood there as I looked at him with a lazy look as I slowly tilted my head to the side, I took a deep breath.

"I don't like that look" he muttered

"Park Dang-gu" I spoke lowly

He started backing up before he turned and bolted, I chased after him through the crowd of people.

"PARK DANG-GU GET BACK HERE" I yelled at the top of my lungs

He looked behind him before he picked up his pace, he took a sharp turn which caused him to slip. I put my hand out and it grazed his collar but he was able to get away before I could get a grip.

"PARK DANG-GU" I shouted again

He ran faster as he quickly put his plaque on the stone and ran into songrim, I was able to get through the gate before they closed.

I chased him down the path all the way to the training center, he took a turn and ran over to the main hall, he slammed opened the door and went to bolt again but I quickly jumped on him back causing him to stumble but regain his balance, I then started hitting his back causing him to trip over his foot at he tried to get me to stop, he landed face first onto the ground. I didn't move and just sat on his back as I lightly panted, I looked around the room and saw a group of people along with Master Heo and Master Jin.

"Dang-gu" Jin spoke

"Y/n?" Master Heo said confused

Jin stood up

"What are you doing" Jin asked

"Nothing" I quickly said

Dang-gu groaned

"She was chasing me" Dang-gu spoke

"You started it" I told him

He wrapped his legs around my waist and pushed me off causing me to land with a thud, I laid there for a few moments before I got up.

"I don't know what your talking about" he said acting innocent

I smirked as I grabbed the apple I took from Yul

"Really does this look familiar I mean it should it's the apple you threw at me which hit the back of my head" I told him

He gulped again before quickly running behind Jin

"I said I was sorry" he shouted as he held his uncle's sleeve

"No you didn't all you did was ramble" I deadpanned

"I'm sorry okay I'll never do it again" he said

"Fine then" I said

I smiled at him and he slowly joined his uncles side

"Uncle- Ow!" Dang-go shouted

I started laughing as he rubbed the back of his head, he turned and glared at me

"Why would you do that" he asked me

"Because you hit me"

"I said I was sorry" he whined

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