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Antheia began to wish she never found out about Hamilton and Andreas. Why? Because that seemed to be a good enough reason for Andreas to start spending his time with the two of them.

"I thought your relationship was secret?" She groaned, begrudgingly shoving a grape in her mouth.

"It is," said Andreas, "But no one would say anything about our friendship, except you. We were sneaking around because of you."

"Am I that scary?"

"No. . .you just have a lot to say. Yes, let's say that," said Andreas.

She knew she wasn't the sole reason because they didn't even sit next to each other. She had been enjoying her breakfast with Hamilton peacefully when Andreas appeared out of nowhere and shoved himself between her and Hannah, who sat beside her. She felt miserable sitting between the two boys, who kept looking at each other and smiling all sweet. It made her want to puke. Ignorance was truly bliss because if she looked anything like that with Blaise, she'd crawl into a hole and never resurface.

She spoke to Hamilton when she made it back. It was a fairly simple story. Andreas and Hamilton actually met before Antheia and Hamilton did. While Antheia and Blaise preferred to stick close to one another, Andreas branched out a little further. He met Hamilton and the two spoke once in a while. In third year, Hamilton realized he liked boys, specifically Andreas (the idea baffled Antheia but Andreas was practically her best friend at the time, so she couldn't say anything), and told him. That was how Andreas knew he liked boys before anyone else did.

The first time Andreas apologized was in Hogsmeade when Hamilton dropped the butterbeer. Despite Hamilton feeling uneasy, he couldn't get Andreas' apology out of his head and confronted him. Apparently while Hamilton was in the middle of his rant, Andreas tried to kiss him. Hamilton, of course, was upset and gave up trying to speak to him. He said it bothered him that he couldn't tell Antheia because he knew she wouldn't react well.

Andreas kept sending him letters since he couldn't approach Hamilton when Antheia was around him most of the time. Whenever Andreas saw Hamilton, Antheia wasn't too far behind even when they weren't walking side by side. In the classes they shared without Antheia, Andreas sat near him and tried to start innocent conversation. Hamilton tried to ignore him, but he eventually gave in and agreed to speak with him during the Quidditch game, which was where Hamilton had disappeared to when she had returned from the game.

Hamilton wouldn't tell her what made him forgive Andreas, but did tell her it had to do with the letters Andreas wrote. Antheia was not interested in knowing what was in them.

They spent a lot more time together, hence Hamilton always sneaking away, but they didn't officially begin to see each other until the beginning of Christmas break. Hamilton also dropped it on her that Andreas had stayed over at his house. When he pulled her away from his parents, they were about to tell her that they met her brother. They had no clue and opened their arms for him solely because he was Antheia's brother. Hamilton ended his story by thanking her for lying about being a catholic and getting his parents to adore her.

Antheia replied that if Andreas ruined her hard work, she'd smother him with Hamilton's pillow. She didn't read the bible just for Andreas to ask who the people in their paintings were. Hamilton reassured her that she had nothing to worry about.

"When are you speaking to Blaise?" asked Hamilton as he took the parchment that Andreas passed to him. Antheia watched the exchange with jealousy.

"Later today, I hope," said Antheia, shoving another grape in her mouth.

"Can you serve yourself grapes? Why do you always take my food off my plate?" said Andreas, "I don't see you doing that with Hamilton."

"I'm trying to annoy you, so you'll leave. And Hamilton never says anything when I take his food."

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