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"Laurie? Really?" said Hamilton in disbelief as he stared at Antheia, "I already disapproved of what you're doing to Zabini, but using Laurie? That's a new low."

"I wasn't going to use him. He just happened to be there and what could I do? Tell him to go away?"

"You should've gone away!"

"I would've missed my opportunity—"

"Is befriending Blaise more important to you than someone's feelings? For all you know, he might still like you and you're just hanging out with him to get all buddy buddy with his friend!"

Antheia stayed silent for a moment, allowing the words to sink in. She was also waiting for Hamilton to relax. She had known him long enough to tell when he got tense. It wasn't until she heard him sigh that she decided to speak.

"Laurie. . ." She said quietly, "I will admit that it's a possibility and there's no way for me to know without him telling me. He's so different to Blaise, he's friendly with everyone — almost everyone. But Hammy - I've had enough experience to tell when someone catches feelings. I'll make sure to shut it down if I pick up on anything. My intention isn't to hurt him, I just —" She closed her eyes as she threw her head backwards and against the wall, "I can't even say I need to, because I don't. I'm not an angel, Hammy, you know that. I'm not selfless and I'm doing this out of my own selfish reasons. I can hurt Laurie and I can hurt Blaise, I know that. But I can't stop now, I mean I can but I won't. I need to do this for me."

Hamilton sat beside her, "I'm sorry, Thea."

He was whispering in contrast to a minute ago when he had raised his voice. There was a reason, Hamilton was worried for Laurie's sake. They were maternal half-cousins (It was a little confusing by Hamilton's mother was a muggleborn, but her father ended up marrying Laurie's wizard mother, resulting in Laurie's mother)They used to be close when they were younger but when Laurie's mother died, his father stopped associating himself with Laurie's maternal family. They were simply acquaintances but Hamilton still cared somewhat. Antheia was sure Laurie still cared too but neither boy knew how to reconnect their relationship or wanted to.

When Antheia began to hang out with Laurie, Hamilton hated it. He never told her she couldn't hang out with him, but he'd always badger her with questions. And despite clearly seeing his discomfort with the situation, Antheia kept seeing Laurie because she was Antheia Artino and Antheia Artino did what she wanted.

Her father was strict and a horrible father, but at some point, Antheia knew how to get what she wanted. Since then, she's done almost everything she's wanted with little consequences. It was also one of the reasons Andreas couldn't stand her, he believed she was a spoiled brat who pretended she was some sort of caring angel. Perhaps, it made her look worse that she knew exactly who she was and she didn't particularly care to change. Her friendliness and caring nature to her classmates was all a front. She really didn't care that Emilie Rays' mother died (hers died years ago), yet she comforted the girl and reassured her everything would be okay, even telling her a little about her own mother. Since then, Emilie has had a soft spot for Antheia and tells her everything.

There's a reason why "she knew everything about everyone" and it took her a lot of work to earn that title, she wasn't about to lose it because of a little pity.

She lifted her head and looked over at him, analysis the side of his face for a moment. She lifted her arm and leaned it against his shoulder, "You shouldn't apologize. There's a reason I like you, You keep me grounded in a way."

"If that's what you like me for, something tells me you won't care for me for me very long."

"That's not true. You're my best mate, Hammy. I might ignore you most of the time —" He glared at her and she grinned "—but I really do listen to you."

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