Brother Figure Rick

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After awhile of eating cuddling, Daryl finally falls asleep and I quietly sneak out of the room heading downstairs and outside. I find Rick sitting on the porch watching over things. I make my way over to him and sits next to him as he looks over hearing footsteps making their way closer to him. "How is he doing?" he asked as I sit down next to him "he's doing well. It was a clean shot so he only needed a few stitches" I say " he is asleep now" I say with a gentle smile as Rick nods his head. "What about you? How are you doing Sky?" As asked quietly. I
stay quiet for a few seconds before speaking "I thought I lost him Rick" I took a deep breath before continuing "I thought I lost him for good." Looking down I tried to collect myself as I feel like his hand on my back pulling me into a side and a hug. "Skylar" he begins "I know you're a tough woman, one of the toughest here and similar to Daryl in different ways but you don't have to act like that with me" he tells me "and I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time but I already think of you as family, as a little sister. You're my little sister and don't tell Daryl, but I'm already starting to think of him as a brother as well. He will be fine and back to himself in a few days" he says hugging you tight "and don't worry, I won't tell him you were going to cry" he smirks and laughs making me smile "I was not going to cry... Big brother" I say with a smile before standing up and walking back inside but stops at the door "thank you big brother" I finish and walk back to my husbands room.

A/N: short chapter but I'm making more brotherly scenes with Rick and Sky at the farm.

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