Campfire night

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After settling in to the tent, Skylar climbs out and starts looking for Daryl or Merle only to find them over by the fire sitting back away from everyone. Walking over Glenn is the first one to see her and calls out to her.

"Hey, Skylar" he calls, and she turns to face him as Daryl looks up from carving his arrows to watch her.

"What is it chinaman" she asks as she sits next to Daryl and Merle.

"We all want to know how you met Daryl and Merle."

She smirks, and looks at Daryl to see him smirking back at her and Merle to see him trying not to laugh.

Shane then glares standing up and yells at them "What the hell is so damn funny huh?"

All three of them roll their eyes at him before Daryl speaks up to Glenn "That story can wait for later chinaman"

Hearing that Skylar smirks again with a big smile on her face as she looks at Glenn's face.

"I'll tell you tonight. How about that Glenn" she tells him and he nods smiling a bit.

Tonight's chapter is quite short. It will be longer on the next update.

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