How They Met

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Siting next to Daryl, Skylar starts tell everyone how she met him.


Walking through the parking lot, Skylar sees a black motorcycle parked and smirks. Not long after she sees the bike she hears chants of fight fight fight. Following the sounds she sees a group of students were all surrounding something going on, and Skylar being the kind of person she is walks over pushing person out of the way only to see a fight going on.

Seeing a younger guy getting knee'ed in the stomach by an man who looks similar to him she sighs annoyed at everyone around her before pushing past people to the middle of the circle, and punching the older guy hard in the face before grabbing the younger guy by the arm.

Before she can get a word in the older guy yells at her "Well, what do we have here? A little girl who wants to play with the big boys."

Skylar smiling at him as he walks over to him then knees him in the crotch hard and mirks as she sees him fall to the ground holding his crotch and glaring at she in pain.

"Im not damn little girl you asshat, and i don't appreatiate anyone who thinks they can beat up who ever they want just because they want to." She glares at him then turns to the younger one and grabs his arm pulling him towards the field.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Glenn speaks up first "W-wait so you punched then kneed'ed Merle" he starts laughing at that as the other follow him and laugh as well.

Skylar smirks as she looks at Glenn " that's not all I did Glennie"

"Keep telling us the story Skylar" Carl says looking at her and she nods to him starting her story back up.

I'll update again soon for part two of how she meet Daryl. Sorry this chapter is short.

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