Missing and Shot?!

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Back on the road, we drive for a little bit before the RV starts to give up and die down. We stop and everyone gets out of their cars with Daryl and Skylar on their bike as we see no way through all the cars blocking our way forward. "Everyone stay close. Don't go too far. Stay where we can see you." I tell the others as they start walking away. Lori comes up behind me "Rick, I don't know how I feel about this... this is a graveyard." I sigh and was about to say something when Skylar beats me to it "They're dead... it's not like they care anymore so go make yourself useful and look for something that can help everyone survive instead of whining. Better yet why not just stay with deputy dipshit over there." she then walks away back to Daryl, who is smirking at her. He wraps his arms around her kissing her temple before they start looking around. Lori just stands there then walks over the Shane while everyone else starts looking for supplies.

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Not even 10 mins later I see both Skylar and Daryl running back, crossbows in hand. "Rick!" Skylar yells "There's a herd of walkers on the way towards us. We need to hide, quick!" she tells me as I nod running to the others and telling them to get under the cars and keep quiet. I see everyone under a car and look to see when my son is as I see him with Skylar under one of the cars close to the highway edge. I see one last walker trip right next to the car where Sophia is hiding underneath and see her as it reaches out to try and get her. 

She looks at me and shakes my head starting to get out from the car in hiding underneath, making my way over to her but she screams and gets out from under the car and run into the woods. Once I'm out I go to kill it but two arrows stop me as I look to the left and see both Dixon's holding their crossbows out. They nod at me and I take off after Sophia trying to catch up to her.

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Skylar Pov:

After a while, Rick comes back empty-handed and I sigh leaning against Daryl. "Where's Sophia?" Carol asks crying as Rick looks at her in pain "She didn't come back? I told her to keep the sun on her left shoulder.." he looks down as Carol starts yelling at him and blaming him for losing her daughter. I tense up as soon as I hear her blaming Rick and walks up to her. Rick sees me coming and looks down as Daryl tries to stop me as I slap her extremely hard leaving a bruise on her cheek. Everyone looks at us as I glare at her "what the hell do you think you are doing blaming Rick, huh? He went after YOUR daughter when you did shit! If you really cared about her you would have been the first one to chase after her instead of hiding like the bitch you are! Who do you think you are?! Keep blaming Rick again and your daughter won't be the only one who goes missing?" 

 Everyone looks at us as I glare at her "what the hell do you think you are doing blaming Rick, huh? He went after YOUR daughter when you did shit! If you really cared about her you would have been the first one to chase after her instead of hidin...

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I glare at her pissed off as she holds her cheek in pain looking at me. Daryl pulls me back a bit but I'm not done "That goes for everyone!" I turn glaring at everyone other than Rick and Daryl "He has done everything to keep us safe and alive. He was the first one to run after her. Where were all of you? Hiding scared because you didn't want to help a little girl. If any of you blame Rick for anything, I will end your life where you stand." I walk off heading into the woods the same direction she went to cool off a bit.

Daryl Pov:

I glare at the group pissed off for not running after her but as well as causing Sky to walk off. As I turn to follow her, deputy dipshit opens his big mouth "You need to control your wife Dixon" he glares at me as Lori nods behind him. As he starts to say something else about Sky, I lift my crossbow aiming at the tree behind him and shoot. Everyone just holds their breath as the arrow just barely misses his ear skimming it enough to bleed as I walk towards him, his face showing complete fear "Talk about my wife like that again and I will kill you" I look at Lori glaring at her as well as she looks down then walks to find Sky. I follow her footprints and stop when they lead me to a tree. I look up seeing her sitting on one of the bigger branches on the tree before making my way up to her. 

"I'm getting so fed up with everyone's shit Dare. I don't know how long I'm willing to stay," she tells me, leaning back against me after I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her to rest her back against my chest. "I know baby, but you have to stay for Rick, for Carl...for me." I gently kiss her cheek feeling her nod and sigh. "Only for you three then." I smile slightly helping her down as we make our way back to the others on the highway. Everyone looks over at us as both of us glare. "The 'ell ya looking at?" With that, everyone looks away as Rick walks over "I'm sorry Skylar" he looks down. She moves closer to him placing her hand on the shoulder "it's alright Rick, you did the best you could do for know. I know you didn't leave her there on purpose." He looks up smiling a bit at her as all three of us make our way back to the RV.

A while later, Rick puts together a search group to look for Sophia and Sky ends up going with Rick, Shane, and Carl. About what feels like 20 minutes later, A woman rides up on a horse calling out my name. "Daryl Dixon?! Is there a Daryl Dixon here?!" I step forward "Who's askin'" I glare at her "You have to come quick. Skylar was shot. You have to come!" My eyes go wide as I get on the horse, but little miss cheater has to say something "Daryl, you can't go with her. We don't even know her!" I glare at her "My wife's been shot. Piss off lady" With that we ride back for where she came from and I see a farmhouse. Hopping off the horse I into the house seeing Rick standing there with blood all over his front. 

He looks up seeing me "Daryl." he looks down "I... I'm so sorry" "Where is she?!" I ask panicked looking around "Upstairs, first door on the left. I'm so sorry" he tells me. I nod running upstairs to the room where my wife is lying on the bed, unconscious. I walk in towards the bed and grab hold of her hand "Sky, baby come back to me" I quietly say to her as an old man walks in and sees me "Who are you?" he demands and I just glare at him "I'm her husband old man" I look back at her then glare back at him as I see his eyes start to soften at what I just said. "She'll be fine son. The bullet went all the way through her making it easier to fix and clean the wound. She just needs some rest for now." He tells me. I just sit next to her in the chair by her bed holding onto her hand.

The old man walks out and Rick and Carl walk in. Both move to the other side of the bed and Carl starts crying. He looks at me with tears in his eyes "This is my fault. If it hadn't been for me, this wouldn't have happened to her." Rick just hold his son in his arms as I shake my head "She did what she did to save you, Carl. It's not your fault at all. She'll forgive you." 

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