First date

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Raven:-She took you to bookend.

-She paid for everything you two did or even bought.

-You guys stopped by hocus latta and grab some drinks.

-Then you both looked at the stores.She even bought you some little things you liked.

-You both went into a music shop and looked at everything.She even played one of the guitars.

-Near the end you decided to take her to the movies which you actually paid for.

-After you both took the long way back to Ever After High.

-She kissed your forehead and wished you a good night.

Ramona:-She decided to spend the day in the enchanted forest.

-You being a pirate you stole some things for you both to hide.

-After the hiding you talked her into a piggy back ride.

-She took you to a picnic that she set up.

-You both told stories of your childhood.

-She gave you a piggyback ride back to your dorm.

-She kissed your cheek and winked then walked off.

Cerise:-You took her to wonderland grove.

-You both walked there together.

-You set up a huge tea party.

-She was shy and quiet at first but slowly warmed up to the chaos.

-You told her stories of wonderland.

-After she took you on a nature walk.

-You dropped her off at her dorm after you kissed her cheek.

Apple:She took you to stores.

-She wanted to show you around and be proud she found her true love.

-She bought you a lot of things.

-She took you to a very fancy restaurant your mom reserved for her.

-After a while you saw her stressing so you decided to take her to watch the sunset,

-She told you that it was her favorite part.

-You dropped her off at her dorm giving her hand a kiss.

Maddie:-She took you to her dad’s teashop

-You were amazed at all the madness 

-Her dad loved you, he even paid for your food.

-After she took you to wonderland grove

-She had another tea party.

-At the tea party you feel asleep on her lap.

-After she carried you to your dorm and kissed your forehead.

Kitty:-You two spent the day pranking people

-After hours of pranking you both decided to go to the teashop.

-After you both got food she telported you guys to the forest.

-Where you two played games like tag and hide’n’seek

-After you both went into a tree and took a nap.

Lizzy:-You knew she liked fancy things so you planned a whole day much to her surprise.

-Ofcourse you both had playful banter through the whole day.

-You took her to a nice restaurant.

-Then you took her to play croquet together (Which she was surprised you wanted to play)

-After (her beating you ofcourse) you took her to a picnic that you sat up.

-She fell asleep on you so you carried her to her dorm.(Of course you tease her till this day.)

Briar:-You frist date was technically the true hearts dance.

-You both danced all night together.

-After you took her through the enchanted forest for a walk.

-She put on some music and you two slow danced together.

-You both were stargazing when she fell asleep.

-You took her to her dorm and kissed her forehead.

Cedar:-You knew she liked simple things.

-So you both had a sleepover since your roommate was out.

-You set up a pallet and some snacks.

-You both stayed up late watching movies on the mirrornet.

-You both had a pillow fight.

-You feel asleep on her which she was a blushing mess but soon just feel asleep with you.

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