2.1 The Mob Character Is A False Magician

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It was peaceful. Was.

Amidst a bustle of people, a gaunt, filthy, and scrawny boy forced his way through the crowd, slipping in between people and shoving them with his little, grubby hands. His physique, which is thinner than a stick, is astonishingly capable of pushing others out of his way.

People grumbled and admonished him for the disturbance, complaining about getting their clothing dirty or their shoes trodden on. Some even raised their fists in an attempt to teach the mischievous boy a lesson, but were unable to do so since the small boy was like a rat in a sewer, easily getting lost in the dense crowd.

The same situation occurred only a few feet behind them, but the crowd cleared the way on their own initiative rather than to be implicated by incoming mad man. The boy was being chased by a swarthy, bald man with clothes covered with flour. His eyes were popping out and reddish, brandishing a giant sharp cleaver knife in the air.

Anyone who will get on his way will surely be killed.

In this little town that is remote from the influence of the capitol, this cold-blooded scenario fairly common. The distinction between the social strata are clear, with the wealthy being too prosperous and affluent and the underprivileged being more impoverished. It can be seen on the streets where anyone could easily spot the rich from the poor.

The law is inadequately enforced, with ruffians populating the streets and slums, frightening the powerless while submitting to those in authority. Everyone is walking on a tight rope while a knife is constantly pointed in their throat.

The disparity made the peasants desperate, driving them to steal and kill just to survive another day.

The young eight-year-old boy managed to slip away from the crowd and made his way into a narrow alley. The area is surrounded with tall building that obscured the skies, leaving it dark and gloomy, allowing barely a sliver of light to slip through.

Despite the darkness, he was able to wander across the alley without mishap. He'd been here before, and each time it was to get away from those who were chasing him.

The boy cowered behind a stack of crates laden with sacks of decaying fruit peels and vegetables. In his hand is a small loaf of bread wrapped in a brown paper bag. He tucks the bread closer to his chest with his eyes wide open, his heart racing, vigilantly watching his surroundings. Fortunately, the owner of the bread shop just ran past the crates and didn't see the little thief hiding.

He is finally at ease.

However, it is not the time to be happy yet. He finally had a chance to fill his hungry stomach with food, but just then, noises of low rumbling came from behind him. He cautiously turned his head around and was startled to see several crimson eyes staring at him.

It was said that there are only two dangerous beings that you should be careful not encountering on the alleys - one is the gang of human traffickers, and the second is this group of crazy dogs.

It just so happens that he met the most dangerous one.

He was already exhausted running away from the chase earlier and yet here he is again running for the same reason. If only his determination to live is not that strong, he could have let himself be bitten and die into death.

But he persisted in his earlier years of suffering; he won't back down just because he was tired and hungry.

While the miserable boy is helplessly running for his life, another person that seems to be older by two years is perched on the edge of a rooftop.

This person is watching all the events happening down the alley, his figure exuding a sense of laziness. His eyes followed the boy's futile effort of escape when the boy was caught by a group of gangsters after losing the dogs.

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